The LDS Church just announced that the Salt Lake Temple and the Manti Temple would no longer continue live sessions after their remodeling. In addition, the murals from the Salt Lake Temple are being removed. LDS Temples house core doctrines, wisdom, ordinances, and rituals for members of the church. This episode, while supporting the changes, talks about what we are losing and missing in our temple experiences. Primarily, participation and drama!
Raw Transcript
a few days ago the church made an
announcement about changes in the salt
lake city
and manti temples they are removing the
murals in the different rooms in the
salt lake temple
and ceasing the live sessions in both
the salt lake temple
and the manti temple this episode is
understanding and supporting the moves
forward but talking a little bit about
well what we might be missing
the lds temple endowment has gone over
several changes
since its inception by joseph smith in
1842 if we even want to call that
the inception there was actually an
awful lot going on in kirtland
before the saints ever even went to
but as we've gone through those changes
for the better
right if we're sustaining the brethren
and sustaining the leaders of the church
and looking at all of these changes
we need to sustain them and say that
this is about moving forward and
but that doesn't mean that there aren't
things that are lost
in the temple ceremony things that are
important as as
as the leaders of the church move
forward and they try and bring us
forward with it with the temple ceremony
that doesn't mean that it doesn't come
at a cost a cost of good
things for better things perhaps
so this episode is about some of those
good things that are
being lost this episode is not
about the idea of going back in time to
some point where we can
reset things to to a previous date kind
of like you would an operating system on
your computer and eliminate all of those
like i said it's it's there are things
that when you move forward
and you make changes for the better that
at times does come at a cost and so i
want to talk a little bit about those
it's so easy today to go to a temple
and even if you've been going for a long
time but especially to those that are
going brand new
and going through the endowment
especially and just be completely lost
on on what is this what is happening
there's reasons for that it was never
meant to be like that
originally the temple is built as a
drama that is really important to to get
right it's built as a drama with
in that drama where the audience
the changes that we've had as we've
tried to become a global church and
technology and try not to be
too abrasive with culture
moving forward have put us more and more
into a position of being an observer
as if we're going to a movie theater
that is not what the temple was
right the temple originally is a drama
that you have specific characters
that are played by different people it's
always been this way
and that the audience is
a participant right each individual in
the audience is a participant
in that event in that drama and those
dramas might last a full day or two days
or more
and tell a very large
story a profound story an
epic story about each of us individually
and about the plan of salvation
even with the early endowment with
joseph smith and brigham young
these were often times a a full day
and and because it's a full day event
and you're going through all of these
you're very much a participant in going
through this
and guess what you get context as to
what the meaning
is of all of these things today
i think it's less than a two-hour
and a lot of that context has been lost
it's been pulled out
so that we can do more temple work
so that we can we have a much more
population because of medicine and we
want to accommodate them
we have many many many different
languages we want to make it
uniform for everybody the same text
didn't used to be that way and we want
to use
technology where we are using basically
a movie or now
it seems something more like a
and again these are all positive things
if if you think about
all the intelligence global intelligence
that the brethren get right the leaders
of the church get from around the world
in the church
and difficulties with people in their
temple experiences
and difficulty with people in their
temple experiences
you know we're trying to be it's hard
right we're trying to be one size fits
all for everybody and bring everybody
together bring that unity together of a
global church
and so these things help us to
accomplish those things but
we are losing a number of things and i
think that that idea
of being a participant is the number one
thing we're losing
this is a drama a drama that should be
opening our eyes to the entire plan of
salvation and
our role in it we are not
watching adam and eve right we're
watching a drama where
we are playing the character even if
we are sitting in the chair
all of us are adam and eve that's what
that is about it's not
watching a story about adam and eve it's
a watching a story about us
and in the old times in the old days
we would have a much larger role in
showing that we're adam and showing that
we're eve
let's go through some of these changes
that we've we've had since
we'll call the inception of this again
in in may 4th
1842 in nauvoo but again there were
there were other things that were going
on prior to this
and we ought to look back to kirtland
right you know section 110 when we get
there later this year and come follow me
you'll see in the kirtland temple when
elijah moses all appear with the keys
right of the the of their stewardship
and their priesthood stewardship and
what they're over they only appear
after there are certain ordinances given
in what
the the brethren called at the time
in what the saints called at the time an
and there were ordinances as it wasn't
right but there were ordinances in the
kirtland temple
and once they those last ordinances were
from what they had at that time from
what jose had been revealed to joseph
smith at that time in kirtland
then that's when the outpouring of the
spirit came like pentecost
that's when moses and elias and elijah
so there is precedent to this well
nauvoo but if we look to nauvoo
in may 4th 1842 in that red brick store
where a little more of what we would
think of are the ordinances
of the endowment were given right
there's been a lot of changes since then
at first it was it was more and more
revelation that
added to what was done in those
ordinances and built around the
but it was just a beginning here's
here's a quote
uh out of the journal of
l john nuttle uh quoting joseph smith
where he's speaking to brigham young he
says brother brigham this is not
arranged right
talking about after after they had been
working with these ordinances in 1842
but we have done the best we could under
the circumstances in which we are placed
we could still say that about ourselves
today right
we're doing the best we can and i wish
you to take this matter in hand and
and systematize all these ceremonies
right so jose or brigham young had a
very big part in
for example it's him that actually
dramatized the endowment
which is the exact place you would want
to go that's the way it was done
you go back to the feast of tabernacles
in the old testament
right in sukkot right where everybody
puts together their
their booths their tents
and or representing what were tense in
the wilderness
for the wandering children of israel and
they participated
in a drama that was given to them where
you would have the king and many other
characters the queen
and other characters that would play the
of for example jehovah and others
we can see this very clearly
in the story of king benjamin where
he is there to coronate his son mosiah
right this is a natural place to do this
at a feast of tabernacles setting
for the coronation because it's about
royalty just like the temple ceremonies
about a
royal priesthood and you read in there
thinking oh
they they were really all the people
there were really filled with the spirit
and so they all spoke in one voice as
we're told
think about what that really probably
why are they all speaking in one voice
because it's a
chorus right it is it is a response to
the things that the king are saying they
know what they're supposed to say
maybe it's given out to them in
pamphlets but but there's something said
dramatized it's a drama and the people
participants in that and what we have
there in the book of mosiah at the
beginning of mosiah
is probably just a very small sliver of
that entire
drama that took place that day with a
but it's a temple drama
so in 1845 brigham young dramatizes the
he has a creation room there is a garden
room a telestra room
a terrestrial room and a celestial room
and and that's another thing that we've
lost right in in this and keeping it
short and and
helping the elderly so they don't have
to move around so much and
um you know all really good things
but as you moved from room to room you
understood more and more
where each room was lit a little lighter
and a little lighter and a little
right and the murals had different
different scenes on them like we've had
in the
salt lake temple that are now being
you got the sense that you were
traveling through the plan of salvation
and and we've lost a little bit of that
and an understanding of the progression
that that
the the again the the grandiose epic
drama and story that we all are living
in 1877 the first recorded endowments
for the dead are performed
and we get the first written text for
for for making the the ceremony
making sure we get it more uniform right
when you've just got
one or two or three temples manti st
george salt lake kind of easy to
to keep tabs on the taps on all that but
but once you start spreading out a
little bit more
you can see how things can change a
little bit and supervision becomes an
issue and
and so it becomes uniform for us in 1877
in 1904-1906
there is the hearings of senator elect
reed smoot
in dc and and the temple comes to light
at that point because they are very
about the oaths that
senator elect smoot has given to the
church it became a very big
issue and it's like well wait a minute
how dedicated are you to the church as
compared to
the united states how can you fill a a
seat in government
if you are that dedicated to your
you know it's like there's it's it's a
great example of of
state and religion right and how you
have to try and mix those two
in 1936 they added the explanation
at the veil so that was kind of a that
added more
didn't take anything away right that's
kind of nice
i wish we had more and more that was
added in that sense
in 1945 for the first time the endowment
is given in a different language it's
given in
spanish in the mesa arizona temple we're
starting to grow globally and there are
going to
be changes that are they're required
in the 1950s after building several
international temples now
lds temples there is a film
that is created so prior to that point
in the 50s
it was all live presentation where you
had an
actor filling each role that changes
your mindset as to what you're watching
you again it brings you one step closer
when you're talking about a live a live
to understanding your role and people's
role as a pre as
as participants and not as watching a
right not watching a story for somebody
so understandably the movie what does it
do it makes it so that
everybody easily it makes everything
more uniform
on the feel that you get and it allows
you to have dubbing
right into different languages with the
same movie
again it's it's the drive of progress
for the church
and as we reach out globally and grow
that is driving a lot of this
but it still comes at a cost and then we
can look at some other things that have
been removed right we can talk about
the temple choir there used to be a
temple choir where the participants
would actually sing
a hymn that was removed in the early
20th century
now why is that a big deal well again it
it's the idea of participation that we
that's that's to me is the big thing
you're a part of this
so the congregation sings the hymn as
part of not just a break like we have in
in sacrament meeting but actually is
part of the drama
it's part of what you're doing you're
singing with one voice just like with
king benjamin in his speech
let me start dropping some ideas here of
how that helps you understand scripture
think about when you you hear something
con courses of angels or you hear about
the singing and praising right these are
rooted in likely in in temple type
ceremonies anciently they're rooted in
drama and so when you have a temple
experience like that where you are
very clearly participating
you are inserting yourself more into the
as that participant especially in the
in the scriptures you become a part of
again it's not a movie that's being
rolled in front of your eyes
and you understand the scriptures
if you were to go through a an ancient
presentation of the temple about adam
and eve and the garden of eden story
i promise you you're going to identify
with the movie or the powerpoint
when they're talking about the garden of
eden story you're not going to be
watching history because that's not what
you're supposed to be doing
you're going to be watching your story
and when i say your story i don't mean
your ancestors who are adam and eve
i mean you you that's you
it it's so hard to get that into
people's heads
sometimes i think because it's because
of the change in what we've
done with with the temple again i fully
support it
i fully support it i want us to move
forward i
i want to make sure that we get this uh
get get a a unified church
globally but it doesn't mean i can't be
concerned about what we lose
giving up the good for the better the
temple drama has
always been about you and your
in the great epic story the great temple
drama early in the 20th century there
used to be another oath called the oath
of vengeance
that was removed that was basically
saying you know that a prayer for god to
avenge the blood of the prophets
of course in brigham young's mind that
was probably very close to him with
joseph smith
but think about all of the scriptures
that talk about
the lord hearing the cries of the blood
from the the dust of the earth
right even abel that that's by the way
probably closer to a temple story than
you might think
or the day of atonement where the high
priest would pour the blood
of the ox and the goat down at the base
of the altar
what is that right pouring out your
spirit so to speak it's pouring out life
it's the blood being spilt onto the
ground and crying up to the lord
you might understand those scriptures a
little bit differently in that context
i talk a lot about my interpreter of
temple imagery and drama
and that is something that is very lush
that's why i put that in there because i
think it's important for us to see the
scriptures through that lens
so many of the scriptures are rooted in
the temple experience
both in the imagery of the temple
which is everything from the objects
that would be in the temple the design
of the temple the architecture of the
the journey of going through the temple
the sacrifices that are made
the different altars all of that is
temple imagery and it's really important
to understand all those things because
the scriptures are rooted in those
and then the drama right there is
drama there has always been a temple
drama more than likely
there certainly was anciently and the
biggest key about temple drama is
understanding that it's about you and
are the participant you are playing a
role of yourself
in a grand theater in a drama
like you are on stage in in one of
shakespeare's plays
that's what the temple drama is
and in many ways many of the great
dramas anciently
probably came out of the temple or those
whether they were of the church or they
were of other ancient civilizations that
that had temples and dramas that went
along with them
the great temple drama is the temple
draw or the great drama is the temple
it's good against evil it's falling down
in a way and then coming back and
that that's that's the drama
so i'm grateful for the leaders of the
church that are guiding us forward
and and moving us in a direction that is
going to make things easier for members
of the church
but i think that we also need to try and
hang on to
in one way or the other the idea of
temple imagery and drama
and understanding what those ordinances
are rooted in the context the drama
gives the ordinances context and
i've got someone that's going through a
new convert that's going through the the
temple next month
and i i mean i just the experience that
she's going to have even for the
difference from what i had
is going to be pretty large there's it's
going to be that much more confusing
right because the context much of the
context is lost
and i think we need to talk about that
more that needs to be
more in the discussion about the temple
there are things about the temple that
we can
talk about that we need to talk about
while holding those things which are
most sacred
only for discussion in the temple
so much of the lack of understanding of
the temple
is because of a loss of context
and a loss of participation
i hope we can remember that the temple
is about you that
experience from the beginning to the end
all the way through
is is is a is it you are the prime
actor you are the star lead in all of
and everything that is going on in there
is you
and if you could have everybody play the
actor in a live session of
adam every man and every woman play the
actress who is eve then that's what we
would do
because you're them right
but we can't
so we do the best that we can as joseph
smith said
and we move forward and we we build line
upon line
and precept on precept but don't forget
about drama don't forget about the
temple imagery
you will understand the scriptures
better and you'll
understand the temple better when you
that context back into things
i'll talk to you next time
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LDS Temples
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