A practical gospel truth gleaned from the scriptures shows us that a higher knowledge can come from actions and results over words. Words are important, but not as important as actions and results. We therefore can have a higher knowledge of things 'by their fruits'.
and then in verse 16 is something that's
very kind of near and dear to me and
that is you know the name of this
podcast is quick media culture and
practical theology and I believe that
our theology our that that our belief
that the gospel is very practical and I
try to point that out as much as I can
and right here I see a truth that lines
right up with that and it says here in
verse 16 ye shall know them by their
fruits do men gather grapes of thorns or
figs of thistles in other words that's
how you know if something is true or not
more than anything else I think is you
hash it out you take a look at what are
the results you can listen to someone
and they can be very flowery they can be
very convincing with something but what
are the results of this what are the
fruits that have happened from this
that's how I think you ought to look at
things think about ideologies today and
we're seeing that the in politically the
left and the right so if we look back
and we look at Marxism with Lenin
and then later with Stalin and Mao and
Pol Pot and etc Venezuela right now we
see an ideology there that people seem
to want to continue to return to over
and over again because up front you have
the sheep's clothing it is this is
empathetic this is fair for everybody
but what are the fruits of this ideology
to me there's a ravenous wolf behind it
and the same goes on the other end of
the political spectrum when we when we
focus too much on nationalism or we
focus too much on a fundamental view of
judgment and order even too much and
there's no we don't give any leeway to
things then there's a lot of things in
sheep's clothing that you could say hey
we're taking care of things so that you
don't need to
or we are making things right or yes you
need to be judgmental against somebody
who does something wrong but behind that
what are the fruits event our people
hurt because of that our do people
suffer because of that is there what
happens to you when you adopt that as a
person into your heart and so these
ideologies can go out there and the
fruits of these things that we look at
in anything in life and just politically
here I'm just giving an example but
anything in life we can look at the
fruits to get a much better idea of what
is the truth of something an idea the
words that are coming from someone I
think that's what matters the most
words are very much secondary they're
important they're important but moving
into this trigger culture that we're
going into where we're offended by it
what everybody says look at what the
what the meat is behind it
I think we look there first and then
we talk about speech and he follows up
with a phrase that says wherefore by
their fruits you shall know them I think
that's a really good principle to follow
a very practical principle to follow and
then he says something going back to the
speech part important but secondary he
says not everyone that saith unto me
Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom
of heaven but he that doeth the will of
my father which is in heaven so the
speech is important but it matters
pretty much to nothing if there isn't
any meat behind it if there isn't any
practical use behind it if you are if
you are pure Theory if you are pure
words but there is no meat behind it
then watch out then there is a problem
you could we see examples of this people
sitting in ivory towers where this
happens or they are made up as
white supple curse as Jesus says later
on and it reminds me a little bit
Joseph Smith history where he's in the
first vision and he's being told look
there's a lot of people that are gonna
honor me with their lips right but
they're I'm paraphrasing here but their
hearts are far from me
I think it is or their minds or hearts
are far from me and that's a great
example of exactly what Jesus is saying
here not everybody who says Lord Lord is
going to enter into the kingdom of God
but the people that do the will of the
50% Complete
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