'Body, Blood & Covenant'
- The Sacrament as the Higher and Lower Laws
- The Sacrament as Covenant
- The Shewbread and Libations of Wine
- 'Remembering' the Coming of The Lord
- The Sacrament for Bearing Others Burdens
Come Follow Me New Testament Matthew Mark Luke Bible
in this episode we'll cover blood body
and covenant here we go
so this week come follow me has us
covering the sacrament for the third
time if we include the Easter episode of
Thursday night so there's a very strong
emphasis on the sacrament and we have a
lot more to say about it so we'll easily
fill up this entire episode just on the
sacrament looking at the sacrament and
not going even into things we've already
gone into there are two ways to look at
this that brings a lot more context in
richness into the meaning and
understanding of what we do every
Sabbath day first of all we use what I
call the interpreters the four
interpreters that I use for the
scriptures one of those is temple
imagery and drama so we're going to use
that in this instance with some
background knowledge of temple rituals
and an understanding that Jesus as he
goes through this entire week as we have
discussed previously is bringing in
rituals and themes from the festival of
Tabernacles and the Day of Atonement
which actually happens in the fall here
in this Passover week and so all of
these events that are happening
strangely enough are bringing in day of
atonement themes that are kind of
overriding a lot of what is happening
here during Passover now that doesn't
mean that the Passover isn't significant
obviously it is Jesus is the sacrificial
lamb that is sacrificed at Passover he
is a representation
of the blood that was put over the
doorways of the Israelites in Egypt
that's his blood and remember it was the
firstborns that were saved in Israel the
that is that the Israelite firstborns
that were saved in Egypt from that blood
it all has to do with the firstborn it
all has to do with Jehovah with Jesus
but the theme of the Day of Atonement
and the festival of Tabernacles cannot
be avoided throughout this entire week
this is the focus of the Gospels of the
writers of the Gospels they are making
sure that we understand that he is
Jehovah and that he is the son of God
which has specific emphasis on the Feast
of Tabernacles and the day of atonement
so we're going to look at the Sacrament
in that imagery in a sacrificial imagery
first of all as we've discussed
previously if we look at the sacrament
table we can look at this as an altar it
is about sacrifice it is about the body
and the blood of Jesus Christ this is an
altar that we have inside of our chapels
that is used for a holy priesthood
administered ritual that we go through
every Sabbath day but where does this
come from what is the root of this we
obviously look back to this Thursday
evening here where Jesus is performing
the Last Supper and we're told that he
Institute's the sacrament but that has a
little bit of a vague meaning to it as
far as Institute goes what does that
mean is he bringing this out of thin air
in other words is this the first time
they've looked at bread and wine was he
just alluding to this when he gave the
miracles of the loaves of bread and
walked on water and changed the water at
the marriage of Cana to wine what routes
does this meaning have
and this typology and symbolism have
let's look at a couple of things first
of all a few different renditions that
we get throughout the Gospels and the
Gospel of Luke we have him taking the
cup first and blessing it and then the
bread and blessing it but as we look
through the Joseph Smith translation in
the other Gospels of Matthew and Mark we
see that that's not the case that what
he actually did here is he did take the
bread first and Joseph Smith makes this
a very specific distinction here about
the chronology of what happened here the
sequence he says that he break the bread
first and then he blessed it and then
they blessed the wine and partook of
the wine as well drink the wine so I
want to look here at Matthew 26 and were
just going to go through the few verses
here that goes over basically the
sacrament that is being instituted by
Jesus verse 26 and as they were eating
so there's this is the supper the
probably the Passover supper very
possibly the cedar supper that the cedar
meal that they have each year at
Passover after they had eaten he says
Jesus took bread and blessed it and
brake it and gave it to the disciples
against Joseph Smith has that reversed
he break the bread and then blessed it
and gave it to the disciples and said
take eat this is my body and he took the
cup and gave thanks and gave it to them
saying drink he all of it so he blesses
the wine and then gives them the wine as
well and this is what he says about the
wine you remember he doesn't say this
about the bread in verse 28 he says for
this is my blood of the New Testament a
better word for us to understand this
context here this phrases of the New
Covenant or the everlasting covenant and
it is only new we call it the new and
everlasting covenant but remember
Abraham long long long ago had the new
and everlasting covenant it's the
Abrahamic covenant
so why new well the reason is it's
new because it comes after the lower
covenant and it's new here for Jesus and
His disciples or for Jesus giving this
to his disciples because they only have
the lower covenant right now the lower
law remember we look at the Old
Testament and the better word for that
actually better translation would be the
Old Covenant because most of it is
focused on the period of Israel in
Palestine where they lived mostly under
the lower covenant and then the New
Testament would be better translated as
the New Covenant and that's this is the
focus of that that's where this comes
from is right here in the last supper
this is the only time that Jesus is
attributed with the word covenant that
he mentions so this is the new covenant
that he's talking about right here in
the sacrament so this is my blood of the
New Testament now he never says this is
my body of the New Testament because
that wouldn't be right
that wouldn't be appropriate because his
body represents the Old Testament his
body represents the lower law remember
in the creation story right in Genesis
1:1 we get and God created the heaven
and the earth that is the division here
and looking at ancient scripture that is
how they saw things two different levels
a distinction between higher and the
lower the Melchizedek Priesthood
the Melchizedek law is the higher law and
the lower law of the Aaronic priesthood
or the temporal or carnal priesthood and
so his body is not of the New Testament
his body is of the Old Testament or the
Old Covenant or the ironic covenant it
has to do with earth and there's a
separation in that creation story of
heaven and earth
and the atonement what that represents
being at one represents bringing heaven
and earth back together again or us back
up to God and God coming down below us
through the kind his condescension
through the atonement the sacrifice of
atonement and him lowering himself by
taking on all of our sins and serving
all of us so that's the representation
of the sacrament it is the lower law
with the bread it is the higher law with
the blood of Christ with the atoning
sacrifice and it's crucial as we've
discussed previously that these are done
separately they have separate prayers
and there's separate words in them if
you pay attention one represents that
lower law with Commandments and one
represents the blood of Christ or mercy
that is brought down upon us we see
in other churches where those have been
brought together under one prayer and
into one item right but not with us
because those must always stay separate
so that we have a clear understanding of
that lower law and the higher law
another thing to think about with the
sacrament is this was this was called
the bread anyway maybe the wine also
but the bread the bread of the presence
or the showbread
the shewbread in the temple was called
the bread of memorial or remembrance and
so we think often about what we think
that the prayers tell us to remember him
to always remember him both prayers tell
us that and so we get this
representation this idea of remembering
what he has done for us but I don't know
that it's just that I don't know if it's
just remembering what he's done for us
obviously that's the focus I don't want
to take away from that but there may be
more to it than that
this is what follows in
each of the three Gospels John doesn't
really talk about the bread and the wine
but in Matthew Mark and Luke in the
synoptic Gospels what we get immediately
following this is sometimes it's put in
two places both after the bread and the
wine but here if I follow the wine here
in Matthew 26 in verse 29 he says but I
say unto you I will not drink henceforth
of this fruit of the vine until that day
when I drink it new with you in my
father's Kingdom this is a part of the
Last Supper that we don't talk about and
yet here he's saying it immediately
after he they bless the bread and the
wine and they partake of it it is
coupled with this it is along with it
and what is it
it is a remembrance also that he is
going to return remember that he has
been talking this week about all these
parables about preparing for the second
coming and him telling them about
basically giving them a patriarchal
blessing and prophecy
just like Lehi did just like Nephi did
just like Adam did a kind of a fatherly
blessing where he's telling them about
things that are going to happen he talks
about how Jerusalem is going to be
destroyed but he also talks about his
second coming and that is a part of the
Last Supper that's a part of remembering
him it's not just remembering him for
what he's done these are my thoughts but
it's not just remembering him for what
he's done it's remembering that he's
going to come back this is a big focus
of what he's doing here
with the disciples reminding them to be
prepared and that he is going to return
and so as we think about the sacrament
another thing we might think about when
we remember him is are we preparing for
the second coming
are we preparing for his return are we
preparing to meet him again which may
not be his second coming
but it would be a second meeting with
him each one of us will have that for
sure so I think that's something that we
missed that's something that seems to me
to be a part of what we do with the
sacrament a part of that remembrance so
in that sense remembrance is what he's
done in the past and what we're going to
do in the future what we're going to do
to prepare to meet him again and by the
way this was a big theme to the Essenes
right that sect of Jews that lived in
the wilderness that gave us the Dead Sea
Scrolls they harbored in the caves the
Dead Sea Scrolls and had a lot of
interesting rituals and traditions that
they followed that are very similar to
Christianity and they had a meal they
had a Thanksgiving meal that would be
like a Eucharist or a sacrament in which
they would take the bread they would
break it they would bless it and they
would distribute it and then they would
take the wine and they would bless it
and they would distribute it and only
certain people that were within the
Covenant would be able to partake of
this but part of what that was a
remembrance of Melchizedek the great
Melchizedek returning to the earth so
this was actually they're doing this
thing that's it's a Jewish tradition
here you know maybe not with all Jews
but with this sect anyway they had a
tradition of a sacrament as we would
call it where they were not just
remembering something from the past but
they were using that remembrance of
something for the future that a great
the great milk acidic would return or a
second to Melchizedek would return that
is Jesus Christ they probably didn't
know that although who knows how many
Essenes became converted through John
the Baptist out in the wilderness
and through Jesus and the disciples
could have been many many it seems there
are a lot of similarities between what
they believed in they believed in an
older tradition that was tied more to
the first temple before the Jews were
taken out of Jerusalem and into Babylon
and that's why they were pushed out from
Jerusalem they may not have been
considered Jews at this time they were
not in power they were not part of the
establishment at all they were forced
out into the wilderness just as John the
Baptist was so they have an example of a
sacrament before the institution or
Jesus instituting the sacrament so there
are roots for this type of a practice
that existed before the Last Supper I
think that's important to understand
because it gives us more context into
what the meaning is here of what Jesus
is doing by the way in that As Seen
ritual of the their sacrament the high
priest the highest priest there would be
the first one to partake of each of the
bread and the wine before anybody else
we're just like we do with a bishop
today or whoever's highest in priesthood
authority in our sacrament meetings it's
pretty interesting and that's what the
Jews did actually also when they had a
sacrifice that was made an animal
sacrifice or a cereal sacrifice yes the
priests the highest priest there with
them with that group that little
congregation at the sacrifice would be
the first to partake of that sacrifice
so one of the ways I want to look at the
sacrament here is with covenant and as
we've discussed often often before here
covenant is something that has been
pulled apart and is going to be brought
back together right it's been cut it's
been pulled apart to be brought back
together that's the goal of the gospel
is to bring what's been separated back
together again just like heaven and
earth that's the bread
that's the wine or water and so Jesus
returning in the future or us meeting
Jesus again is again a completion of
it's a completion of bringing us back
together it is a completion of the bread
which would be a little more
representation of us temporally now
reaching up to God being brought back
together with the water or the wine
which is the blood of Christ and
those two things being brought together
so how does that happen through
atonement or at one mint and that
happens from the sacrifice of Jesus of
the Son of God as well as him returning
returning back to him that's also a
representation of at one man had being
together with him
so covenant is key just as he says here
the bread or rather than the wine is a
representation of the New Testament or
New Covenant this is about covenant the
other way to look at this is through the
temple and you might say well what does
the sacrament have to do with the temple
well an awful lot if you look back at
the temple and what has been taken away
two of the primary things that have been
taken away from the first temple is an
understanding of the shewbread or the
bread of the presence and the wine that
was with the libations and the ritual of
the Day of Atonement we don't know at
all specifically not directly told
through the Scriptures what each of
these items signified we have to run
through scholarship and other context
archaeology non-canonical books other
civilizations at that time to get a
clearer picture of what these things
might mean but the bread of the presence
is something interesting to learn about
this the bread of the presence was 12
that would be baked every week every
Sabbath and these twelve loaves would be
brought into the temple up toward the
veil not inside the veil they were
outside of the veil back somewhat close
to where the altar of incense would be
so this would be out in what we might
call a an ironic location I'm just going
to say that for right now it's in more
of an ironic location it's outside of
the veil and these twelve loaves would
be brought in on a marble table and they
would be placed there along with incense
and along with libations of wine so here
we have a representation of bread and
wine now where do we hear about this
outside of the temple itself well what
about going back to Abraham and
Melchizedek you remember as Abraham goes
out to get lot to save lot and he comes
back with all of this booty from war and
he pays his tithings to Melchizedek
now kids attic has a Thanksgiving meal
with him if you will
he has a sacrament with him something
like this in Genesis 14 18 it says the
following in milk isn't a king of Salem
brought forth bread and wine and he was
the priest of the Most High God and here
Joseph Smith gives us a translation of
this verse he specifically changes this
verse and listen to what he says and he
break bread and blessed it and he
blessed the wine he being the priest of
the Most High God what does that sound
like well it sounds like two things to
me first yes it sounds like our
sacrament maybe they were together and
they knew the true gospel at that time
and they understood already the
symbolism of the bread being the body of
Christ and the
wine being the blood of Christ looks
that way to me
and the other thing is the it looks
like it's the bread of the presence and
the libations of wine that were on this
table inside the temple and so they may
have been going through some type of a
temple ritual this may have been
something only that was done in a
sanctuary but why are they specifically
bringing up that they're having this
meal with bread and a wine and they
break the bread and they bless the bread
and they bless the wine it is
specifically a ritual that they are
going through here so this table would
be out in the Aaronic area just like the
Aaronic altar of incense was outside of
the veil these are Aaronic rituals
that take place here just like the
sacrament is an ironic ritual and ironic
ordinance that we go through and that
bread was called the memorial bread
or the bread of memorial so we think
about the sacrament prayers and how they
are focused on remembering the Lord it
seems to me like there's a trace of an
understanding that that's what this was
it was committing yourself to remember
Christ to remember for them back then
mushiya Hamish the Messiah and to
remember the bringing together of the
lower law and the higher law of heaven
and earth and representing the ironic
and the Melchizedek priesthoods this is
Melchizedek that we're talking about and
by the way what is the mystic priesthood
named after it's named after Melchizedek
why because they didn't want to keep
calling it after the order of the Sun
that's important to understand I'm going
to go over that a lot more in other
episodes in the future but the Sun
that's what the bread and the wine
and so the author of Genesis here we're
getting just traces of it coming out of
this but the author of Genesis probably
Moses or perhaps he's borrowing from
somebody else previous to that maybe
Abraham he is focused in on this
sacrament like ritual where Melchizedek
is kind of the stand-in for the son if
you will just like we have represented
in in the name of the higher priesthood
so this bread of the presence was the
only cereal offering that was allowed
inside of the temple and what they would
do is they would bake these this bread
leave it in there for seven days and
then they would bring it back out on a
gold table and the representation here
remember the whole inside of the Holy of
Holies was plated with gold the
representation here is that the bread of
the presence became holy as it was in
there it didn't just become holy it
became most holy and that's just not an
exaggeration or an emphasis there's a
difference anything that is holy is set
apart and is viewed as itself something
that is sacred but anything that we see
in the Old Testament that is called most
holy means that it's not just holy but
that it imparts holiness so it makes
everything around it holy so what does
that mean well if they are partaking of
the bread then they are taking holiness
into themselves so that would be
important that it would be most holy
that it imparts holiness to the priests
that are partaking of that bread of the
presence and the word presence is
oftentimes used especially non-canonical
e is oftentimes used as a substitute for
the Lord so interestingly enough this
could just be the bread of the Lord or a
representation of the Lord the bread of
the Lord and
line of the Lord and so again they would
be partaking of this as a representation
of the Messiah and of
his sacrifice that's what happened with
the sacrifices that would happen
inside the temple they go for example
when they when the priest partook of
that this is interesting when the priest
partook of that they took it because
they needed that holiness inside of them
they needed that that meat of the
goat to impart holiness to them so they
could withstand the guilt what guilt the
guilt that they take upon themselves for
the offering of sin so again I'll say it
again two goats for the Day of Atonement
high priest puts his hands on one goat
takes all of the sins off of that goat
it's purified it's perfect so he's
taking the sins onto himself and he's
put the sins on to the other goat and
that goes that go goes out that goat is
for Azazel that's Satan he's banned from
Jerusalem and run off a cliff for most
of the time that's what's happened
that's what happened and the pure goat
is sacrificed the blood is used to clean
the altar that blood is used to clean
the temple the Holy of Holies the Ark of
the Covenant and the people and the land
so it's a cleansing just like a baptism
is a cleansing and remember in the
baptism there's two baptisms we usually
think of the baptism is just the water
but if there's a baptism of water and
there's a baptism of fire one is the
lower law the ironic law is of water and
the baptism of fire is the higher law
the lower one requires the erotic
priesthood at least a priest of the
Aaronic priesthood could administer that
ordinance but the baptism of fire or the
gift of the Holy Ghost must be done by
someone with a Melchizedek Priesthood
that's the bread and the water the
Aaronic priesthood and the Melchizedek
priesthood the lower law and the higher
but the police would take that consume
that so that they can withstand the
burden of the sins so what do we do when
we make a covenant at baptism as we
learn in the Book of Mormon we commit we
covenant to bear the sins of others to
bear their burdens and the sacrament is
a communal meal that's what it is is a
communal meal and we are agreeing to
bear each other's burdens and this is
imparting holiness onto us so that we
can bear those burdens
that's the covenant part of the Covenant
that we make at baptism and that we
renew with the bread and the water so
that's another thing to remember and
another thing that gives us a little
more context it's not just about us when
we partake of the sacrament
it is about bearing others burdens just
like Christ did when he made his
sacrifice we partake the holiness so
that we can bear each other's burdens
and then quickly just a last couple
of references to give us a little bit
more context here when Moses went up to
Sinai one of those times he was followed
by a few others and then a lot of others
the elders so he had also 70 that came
up with him who saw God and on their way
up there this is what happens
this is Exodus 24 11 he says also they
saw God and did eat and drink I wonder
what that refers to
remember Sinai is a temple setting think
of the shoe bread or the bread of the
presence and the libations of wine
they had a communal meal upon Sinai
little campout Sinai is a representation
of the temple
and another reference is in a song that
is very familiar to us maybe the most
familiar to us which is Psalm 23 the
Lord is my shepherd right
it says David Psalm that most of us have
heard many many times but down in that
song I think it's only six verses long
this is what he says in verse 5 thou
prepare a table before me this is the
exact word that is used for the bread of
the presence with the bread of the
presence was put on now prepares the
table before me in the presence there's
a word presence of mine enemies thou
anointest my head with oil today this is
about him becoming a Davidic King also a
temple reference and then he finishes it
with my cup runneth over
so we see here the temple imagery of
anointing the temple imagery of the
bread of the presence and the temple
imagery of the cup that is running over
these have got to all be temple specific
references of course all of the Psalms
are simply poems and songs and probably
script all about the temple and actually
one more thing I want to bring up that I
forgot to bring up about the Day of
Atonement origin one of the Christian
fathers early Christian fathers had a
reference to the sacrament to the
Eucharist day and this is what he says
about it it's very interesting again
imagery of the Day of Atonement
he says Christ the true high priest who
made a tongue it for you hear him saying
to you and he's talking about the
sacrament this is my blood which is
poured out for you for the forgiveness
of sins now if we look at the Gospels
and how Jesus talks about his blood
being poured out for the forgiveness of
what he says is which is shed for many
for the remission of sins he talks about
his blood being shed we've heard that
many times origin refers to that blood
being poured out at the day of atonement
when the ox and the goat were sacrificed
in and all of the temple and altars and
and people and land were purified with
this blood what was left over is that
blood would be poured out at the base of
the altar and that was concluding and
solidifying firming up the cleansing of
everything so that's how Origen sees the
shedding of Jesus's blood here
referenced to the day of atonement and
the sacrament so again a imagery a
temple imagery of the day of atonement
that happens here this whole week is
really about the Day of Atonement and
the Feast of Tabernacles even above the
Passover so in conclusion the sacrament
that we partake of every week is an
understanding of covenant it is a
bringing together of us and Christ us in
God it is the lower law and the higher
law it is us reaching up to him from a
temporal position with the bread and him
reaching down to us from a heavenly
position with his sacrifice and mercy
and love and those two being brought
together it is heaven and earth from the
creation that were separated that are
being brought back together
it is the Aaronic priesthood and the
Melchizedek Priesthood the baptism of
water and the baptism of fire this is
all about covenant it is about us
meeting Jesus again preparing for the
second coming or preparing to meet him
again being brought back together and
then we can also see the sacrament
through the temple
and through the first temple at
least we can see it through the imagery
of the bread of the presence and of the
libations of wine that it is most holy
and imparts that holiness upon us so
that we can bear each other's burdens
and part of that covenant being with
those around us a communal meal that's
the second I hope that adds to your
experience each Sabbath days you're
there taking a second it is rich in
meaning symbolism and spirituality
I'll talk to you next
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