all right let's take a walk before we
get into this about the managing
director of communications for the
church um would like to ask you to go to
quick that's cwic And subscribe to Quick week
our free newsletter comes out now twice
a week again cwic all
right well uh controversial episode that
I put up recently at least some people
would say it's
um a lot of I don't know about 1,500
comments on it and boy they come from
all angles on this uh from the left from
the right uh all over the place I want
to add a few things on this and and make
some things very clear number one there
was a lot more that I have researched
that I did not put in there and I have
reasons for doing that I'm careful about
certain things people say well why would
you put this out there all you have are
tweets from posts from you know seven or
eight years ago and pronouns on his
LinkedIn uh profile but that isn't all
right that's not the case there's a lot
from the United Nations and again all
I'm putting out there are my ideas and
things that I disagree with these are my
opinions but there's more out there
right there's a lot on the United
Nations he believes in certain goals of
the United Nations that I think are
concerning and
destructive um there's more posts that I
did not go to uh he's got his own
website uh supporting a number of people
with uh that that are focused on Dei
diversity equity and inclusion this just
something I don't agree with I have a
very different world viiew from
him um I've talked to people that have
known him I've talked to people that
him so those that are on they saying
this is just a few posts from a long
time ago no it it's not
just it's not just that now to be real
clear this is more about his ideas than
it is him and I want to say that look
this guy is probably a great guy and I
said that in the episode I said that on
my appearance on W radio in that
episode um you can separate his ideas
from his value as from him being a child
of God I I've done this as much as I can
others uh Patrick Mason is a good
example I disagree with a lot of what
Patrick Mason
says right but I've had him on the show
I've had online conversations with him I
know he's a faithful guy I just don't
agree with his worldview all right I
don't agree with his ideas that doesn't
change the fact that he's a child of God
and that he loves the church and I
believe firmly from what I've seen so
far far regardless of the ideas that I
strongly disagree
with with the new communications
director I believe he's a faithful
member of the church and I believe that
he loves the church he just has a
different view of maybe where things are
going or should go or what kind of
changes should be made but I'd love to
sit down and have lunch with him you'll
notice that I don't ever say anything
like he should be fired I don't say that
even when I talk about BYU I don't talk
about the professors and
say they they need to be fired I've
never said that I'm not an activist when
it comes to the church but I do believe
in awareness and I do believe in
education and not putting your head in
the sand and
not uh you know sinking into the spiral
of Silence I I don't believe that that's
the right answer to all of these things
I happen to have a very different view
than what he has and to me it's
important why because I've studied these
ideologies for 11
and I see where they're going I I've
been able to see that for a long time
when you study something like this and
you see the
patterns it's pretty obvious what starts
to happen so that's what concern I have
right those are the concerns that I have
with the ideas that he has espoused
another thing is this has nothing to do
with you know conservative versus
liberal politics that has nothing to do
with that I don't care what his politics
in that sense are I don't believe that
that should be a litmus test for someone
being hired or involved with the church
he's obviously committed to the church
he obviously loves the church that's not
the issue right again to me it's a
matter of some of these ideas just
starting to creep in like they do in
every other institution this is more
about an ideology where these things
come from and a very different world viw
than what I believe the gospel
represents one one thing to note is it
appears as I went through now a couple
later that his posts are have come down
many of those posts that were brought up
have been taken down I have a question
about that you know I think maybe it's
smart but why would they come down why
would they come down because if those
are the things that he
um and he seems to continue to believe
that you know based on what I've seen on
his website what I've seen from the UN
tapes and and other
things and
others you know I I I I wonder you know
why take that down but he has again it's
it's probably smart but those posts were
there some of you are questioning that I
have snapshots of it myself screenshots
of it myself with not only the dates on
the social media but the dates on my
computer I want to add something else in
here as well
when some people comment or they maybe
they've come to my Channel or my podcast
for the first time and they hear this
kind of a controversial or or Hot Topic
right and they wonder about
me and they wonder about the topic you
know I I think it's important to have
some context with these things I've got
over 800 episodes on YouTube it's very
easy to see who I am it's very easy to
see who I support it's very easy to see
if I'm faithful or not faithful from all
of those episodes that doesn't mean I'm
perfect that doesn't make mean I make
all the right decisions but please have
context uh about these things or try and
try and get gain some context about some
of these episodes and I'm coming from a
place where not only have I studied
these things for a long time but I have
dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens
of of emails and letters from parents
and students and others who
have dealt with these ideologies that
are that are coming into their homes
right they can't get away from it it's
on the it's on their social Med the kids
social media it's on uh it might be even
a spouse that grabs on to it and then
all of a sudden before you know it
they're they've Fallen away from the
church they see things in a critical
theory lens and it's victim an oppressor
and the church is the oppressor or it's
the lgbtq issues and the church you know
must not like lgbtq and you know these
are falsehoods they're absolute
falsehoods and there's a specific
Doctrine about
exaltation and we all have to adhere to
that doctrine of exaltation but it's
heartbreaking it is heartwrenching to
read these things especially the parents
or the spouses who have lost a spouse
who have lost their kids who have fallen
away from the church because they start
adopting these ideologies these are very
ideologies and they naturally put you in
position where you are fighting against
all authority or many authorities and
especially if it is something that seems
to restrict you through Commandments
even though we know that that's not true
it's a choice that we make and and I'm
telling you when you you have read this
over and over and over again and I've
done some episodes with some of these
parents it's it's sorry it it is it is a
there is a real pandemic a spiritual
pandemic that is
happening un likee Co which is a
physical pandemic this is a real
pandemic and many parents don't know
what to do about it they're at a loss
because it comes on to us so fast and
before before we know it we've lost a
child we've lost a spouse Etc to these
ideologies so yeah I've got a little bit
of a sensitivity to this and I think
rightfully so these are anti-christ
anti- gospel ideologies now also for
those that have
commented on the video on
YouTube and they decide that because of
a fire like this that they think the
church has gone into apostasy or the
Brethren are in
apostasy and they start quoting you know
Isaiah 28 and Moroni 8 and other things
look you got to be really careful about
this and how you apply those scriptures
you have got to sustain the
Brethren nothing that I said and ever
have said in over 800 episodes has ever
been to criticize the Brethren ever I
don't think you'll find any channel or
podcast that has put up more supportive
and sustaining content than I have so
for those of you who don't have
context and have maybe
stated that somehow or or jumped to a
conclusion about supporting the Brethren
please please don't jump to that
conclusion you need a little bit more
context here we're talking about an
employee talking about an employee of a
church but the church is not in apostasy
are these ideologies going to seep in
more yeah
probably but you've got to sustain the
Brethren and I'll tell you why when you
wound the head when you attack the head
when you cut off the head the entire
dies you can't do
that if you love the church if you love
The Scriptures if you love the history
that Joseph Smith and Brigham Young and
the coming forth of the restoration and
the temple work and all of these
incredible doctrines and practices that
are put into
place then you don't want to put
yourself in a position where it's like
yeah well this is it
no you want to help the church as much
as you
can sometimes I believe that comes
through awareness you've got to be aware
of what's going
on but please
sustain please
sustain the Brethren the church is true
the gospel is true and we ought to be
immersed in a sense of
gratitude for what we have something
that most of humanity has never had and
we get to enjoy these
truths we've got Stormy Waters that are
and we should be prepared for that we
should not be putting our heads in the
sand but the whole purpose of having
awareness is not to run and hide not to
cut and
leave the purpose of having awareness is
to build
resilience to put yourself into the
scriptures that much more to strengthen
your relationship with God that much
more and to be one that is a great and
Noble one that overcomes the adversity
that you were sent here in this time to
begin with so that you could
be someone that can be a tool in the
hand of the Lord I'll talk to you next