all right put your seat Bel on this is
an edge of the sword episode the new
communications director for the Church
of Jesus Christ of latterday saints uses
pronouns and supports Pride before we
get into this make sure that you
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all right welcome to Quick show my name
is Greg Matson and I am your host in
this episode Aaron sherinian has been
made the new church communications
director a very interesting background
and we're going to go over that we're
also going to go over messaging because
messaging is a very important thing for
the church I think and confusion abounds
right now everywhere
uh with decisions that are made like
this but there are going to be questions
that are brought up by many members
there already are right I mean this
topic here is already spreading
throughout social media like wildfire
and the messaging is very confusing you
have a message from the Brethren at the
pulpit talking about defending the
doctrine of the family and then you have
a world-facing
church that is trying to bridge gaps
make friends and help the church move
forward globally throughout the world
especially in the missionary program and
then Temple work I'm going to approach
this from a faithful perspective because
that's the right thing to do but I think
that we really do need to put our seat
bels on because we are going into a
world here with the internet and social
media and with the church that is going
to bring us through very stormy Stormy
Weather and in this world where
information is accessible to everyone
very quickly you know me bringing this
up and talking about it is not a matter
of checking the
church or or church authorities or
anything else like that we can't put our
heads in the sand on these things
because they're going to be talked about
and they're going to be talked about
with our friends they're going to be
talked about with our kids and if you
are not ahead of these things you're
going to be ambushed we do not live in a
time where you can just say well I'm
going to put my head in the sand and all
is well in Zion we live in a time where
you've got to study the scriptures you
got to hang on to the iron Rod because
the Mists of Darkness are thickening so
let's go to the profile of the new
communications director there's a few
things that I want to bring up here
let's go through some of his social
media and background here and talk about
it a bit here's one post that he has
here on uh it looks like uh climate and
activism right so he's putting in these
uh these topics and these hashtags says
sometimes your teenager texts you this
and for one quick moment you don't hate
his telephone and for one brief second
you feel like maybe we are all going to
make it I am proud of people who made
their voices heard today and yes love
does conquer hate ah love conquer ha
that's what one of the signs say here in
this rally and keep in mind is part of
his background as being with the United
Nations here's another one this is him
supporting Pride right in Washington
DC uh he says I love these kids I am
proud of their pride # Pride how
grateful we are for examples of allyship
and diverse communities who rally for
outreach and understanding versus
Division and hate and here is where we
have to walk that edge of the sword of
course we want an Outreach to all
individuals and if you don't you're
sitting on the wrong side you want an
Outreach to the LGBT community that's
very important the question is is do you
reach out to different groups like this
and support what they're doing at the
same time do you hijack Doctrine the F
the doctrine of the family in order to
love and offer tolerance and you might
say well that's all he's doing is
supporting Pride colors here for love
and tolerance well again what do we have
here here's from June of
2015 way to go scotus gay marriage now
legal across all 50 states love is #
Love Is Love # marriage equality so does
this go along with the doctrine of the
family does this go along with the
proclamation of course it doesn't and
with these things here these these
screenshots that of his social media
that are spreading around social media
so quickly today and last night you've
got to know that this type of messaging
is going to be out there and people are
going to be very confused I mean you
have as an example president now
president Holland speech at BYU in 2021
right the the infamous musket narrative
that was offered by a progressive side
of or interpretation of his speech and
what is he calling for at BYU he's
calling for people to support the
doctrine of the family he wishes there
was a little more musket fire right all
he means by that is are you supporting
the kingdom of God as you use your triel
to build the kingdom of God are you
fighting for the doctrine of the family
look I'm not going to put words in
brother sherinian mouth here at all but
his own words are here here's another
one here you have him on Twitter saying
Chris Mosier I don't know if that name
is right on making history as the first
trans member of Team USA # transis
beautiful again there's there's a
position of I'm reaching out to the
trans Community we should do that sorry
we should we should love everyone Christ
sat with the Sinners but to
support trans ideology queer theory is
very Troublesome to me and and it is a
it is anti-gospel that doesn't mean that
you can't love and support an individual
ual as a human being and as a child of
God we've got to be very clear on that
again that is walking the edge of the
sword we have to learn to do that in our
day and age but there is a difference
between loving someone and compromising
Doctrine and the Commandments of God in
order to do so that's not really love
another one of his tweets here is
transgender rights are human rights join
us in standing up for Trans rights
everywhere I'm sorry that is trans
ideology and what goes along with that
well from a minority standpoint from a
kid standpoint it's obviously supporting
transitioning well that is completely
against church policy or trans rights
are human rights is that men in women's
locker rooms because they say they're a
woman or men in women's prisons well
that's what usually goes along with
trans rights another one here on Caitlyn
Jenner at un weighs in he's got a
background at the UN # Caitlyn Jenner's
bra bravery and how to support the
entire Global trans
community and how do we do that what is
he's saying do we support the trans
Community by breaking down gender into
numerous different genders I'm sorry
that that destroys the order of God
period period that doesn't mean again
that we can't reach out to those
individuals that have gender
dysphoria we can and we need to and we
don't do a good enough job of that to
the entire lgbtq Community we need to do
that you need to have a messaging a a a
strategy of message to reach out to them
without compromising your values and the
Commandments and the
gospel another one here going back again
to 2015 with scotus way to go scotus gay
marriage now legal across all 50 states
# Love Is Love hash # marriage equality
well I don't agree with e either of
those hashtags I don't care much about
marriage I'm very libertarian in that
way I don't think the government should
be involved in it in any way but uh this
is obviously support for marriage
equality the question is these Pride
colors on the White House which
represents the US are you know are are
we also looking at Pride colors on the
temples you know I if if if love is love
and marage equality is the desire Equity
is the desired outcome here does that
mean Pride colors on the temple and gay
marriage within the temple and I'm sorry
but these are questions that everybody
is going to have this is the new
communications director for the church
and if you think that the Communications
Department is not going to have a
transformation here a change I think
that's putting your head in the sound I
think that's very naive here is his
LinkedIn profile and as you can see here
he has his uh yes his because he's got
his pronouns here he him so this is an
obvious support of gender ideology and
queer Theory and you say well Greg that
doesn't mean that everything's going to
change within the department or those
around come on look at BYU Hawaii you've
got a president there with radical ideas
surrounding himself with people that
share those radical ideas and that
University is changing a lot of changes
based on that world viw now I think the
church is looking at well we need better
messaging out to certain groups around
the world I get that I think that's
right I think that's a good strategy and
again who am I I mean who am I to say
anything about what the church should be
doing or not doing but I am someone as a
member of the church a tithe pay member
of the church who is in incredibly
invested in the gospel and in the
success of the church who when something
like this is brought up that is contrary
it's contrary to the message of the
pulpit is going to have a number of
questions and I know that already I mean
I've gotten I don't know how many dozens
of people contacting me from yesterday
with his higher that already are
confused you're told to defend the
doctrine of the family and now you've
got someone in a high
position who supports or apparently I
mean these are not my words I'm just
showing you exactly what he has said who
supports the trans movement who supports
pride and everything that goes along
with that that's not just love and
tolerance of different
individuals and so these questions are
going to abound and the
confusion uh the confusion is is
guy it's you can you can bathe in
it now I don't know what hiring filters
there are or processes that go on in
terms of what are your beliefs in the
family the doctrine of the family or
what are your beliefs in following what
the prophet
says um look I would suggest to you that
that that he is a very faithful member
of the church he supports the church he
wants the church to succeed but he's you
got a certain worldview obviously here
that supports things that to me as I see
them are very
concerning I know that at BYU for
example you've got a process of hiring
where it's it's almost like a temple
recommend interview and I'm sure it's
the same thing here but they obviously
already know who he is look he's already
been with Deseret Management Corporation
he was a VP there you can see here in
the article in October 20th 2021 at uh
Deseret news Deseret management cork DMC
adds new senior vice president of global
reach look he's probably very good at
what he does he's obviously very good at
what he does here longtime Global
communication specialist eron sherinian
has joined deset Management Corp is a
senior vice president of global reach
company president CEO Keith B McMullen
announced Wednesday McMullen says we are
delighted to welcome a Communications
leader of Aaron sherinian stature to the
deset Management Corp family Erin's
passion for leveraging modern
Communications for positive Global
change will help DMC Advance its mission
in unique ways and this is an
interesting statement here because as
far as division goes this is this is a
big question here of division against
who because it says the addition of
sherinian becomes at a time of media
unrest and misinformation and
disinformation as misinformation and
disinformation has divided Count's
political leaders even families and
individuals okay is is the trans
movement division is the trans movement
and support of that
misinformation Sheri du goes on here
quoting her in the in the article she
says we live in a moment in history when
Innovative Communications will either
bring us together or break us
again okay so so that to me all of this
is speaking to the idea of an Outreach
to different groups support it 100%
that's what we should be doing and we
haven't done the best job of that in the
past but is the message we're going to
do this by supporting a breakdown in the
family a breakdown in gender and one
more here from this and this is a
question that I have right the business
of media is connection and conversation
says sherinian he continues DMC is
uniquely positioned to both Elevate and
deepen connections with people while
faith and media establish a trusting
21st century relationship in today's
Society so my question here again is for
for people that are holding on to what
is told to them from the pulpit and what
is obviously
scriptural deeply scriptural in the
doctrine of the
family I I don't know that you know what
his world view is Trust it is offering
trust now on LinkedIn he puts a post up
here saying that earlier today it looks
like this was a couple days ago the
Church of Jesus Christ of latterday
saints announced that I will serve as
its new managing director of
communications um this is very
interesting here he says for a
Communications profession professional
like me it will be a privilege working
with people who are dedicated to
Building Bridges all for that of
understanding around and then he says
this around hope Faith love and a new
gospel principle I didn't know about
change and again I mean you can see what
happens when you have the r the certain
people in positions of leadership I mean
go to the social sciences Department of
BYU and see what's going on there and
don't tell me there's not a change a
huge change in that department because
of certain people that have been in
charge there and to think that there
isn't going to be a change in the
Communications Department with a new
world view here that he's bringing in
that some people there might already
share I I think is very it's putting
your head in the
sand so how do you grock this I'll put
this in there how do you how do you how
do you go through and walk the edge of
the sword with this where you're you're
hearing a certain message of the Gospel
you read the scriptures and you have a
certain message you feel the spirit you
know of the truth and veracity of the
principles of things like the doctrine
of the family and the family
proclamation and the words of the
prophets well I I think again I
mean the obviously it appears that the
strategy of the church is to reach out
there is a certain validity and actual
scriptural basis for this in reaching
out to other communities but again do
you do it by compromising things and
this is so confusing to people it's so
confusing I mean church members are
obviously asking themselves already do
do you does the church support the pride
movement does the church support the
trans movement does the church look for
the change I'm using air quotes here
that brother sherinian here is looking
for and why is the messaging as it is I
mean if he's a communications director
where is the support for the family of
the doctrine here while he says he's
reaching out to others where is the
support of a gender being an eternal
construct not a social construct not a
postmodern construct that says I'm going
to just be my authentic self instead of
I'm going to assimilate to a narrow a
Straight Gate and a narrow path and are
we just following very secular ideas as
Elder Maxwell has said secularism versus
eternalism are we following secular
ideologies that are brought through
primarily Academia the religion of
Academia or are we following Eternal
principles and values now I there was a
Salt Lake Tribune article that quoted me
in talking about how there is a
spiritual side of the church and a
corporate side of the church and there
were they interviewed someone from BYU
professor by who said that that's not
true that's not the way or that's not
ideal that's not true but it is true it
is very true I mean most of the Church
Headquarters and what they do is a
corporation it runs as a corporation and
as a Corporation would and we are all
products of our culture and you do need
to divide these things you have to
divide these things as far as I'm
concerned knowing that the gospel is
true knowing also that the church is
true the church is true read section one
of the doctrine
covenants and it has the proper
priesthood Authority I will stick to
what the Brethren say at the pulpit and
I will stick with the scriptures and and
then in my mind I can question things
like these that doesn't mean I don't
sustain that doesn't mean I don't
believe in the direction of the
church it means that it brings confusion
and therefore I need to go to my anchors
which you need to do also of the
scriptures and the words of the prophets
at the pulpit and if there is in
congruency there well you're going to
find a lot more of this in the
future you're going to need the spirit
to be able to get through these things
you're not going to make it without
you're going to need there's stormy
waters are
coming and in a stormy waters you better
know how to sail you better know how to
work with a wind you better learn how to
work with the waves because that is
going to be life that is the time that
we live in and if you're going to let go
of that iron Rod the scriptures and the
words of the
prophets and look at things that are
happening in church and hiring and
everything else and have confusion well
as soon as you let go of that iron Rod
you're letting yourself go into the
midst of darkness and that's whether you
are on a progressive side or a
conservative side in your personality
psychology and
politics the church is true the gospel
is true learn to walk the edge of the
sword because that's where truth is
found I'll talk to you next