Come Follow Me LDS- Luke 8, 13 Part 2

'Secrets, Brooms & Jars'
- How we can keep goodness a secret at times
- A broom helps me out of 'the mire'
- Jesus is restoring the Abrahamic Covenant



Raw Transcript

alright I'm not going to cover much in
Chapter eight most of this has already
been covered in other lessons but
there's one point I wanted to bring up
here Jesus here
Luke has him giving the parable of the
sower that we covered in the last
episode and right after talking about
the parable of the sower which is again
the gospel being put out there the seed
which is the Word of God being put out
in different places on the wayside on
the stony grounds among thorns and then
in good ground and so these different
experiences with accepting the gospel
and end with the word and I don't think
that we shouldn't look at that as
something that's just accepted
immediately but something even for us
today if we've been in the church for a
long time how much do we accept
something new how much do we accept a
change is there still something we're
struggling with and how where do we fall
along either the wayside or
on the stony places etc with something
specific in the gospel it's good to know
that it's good to know where we stand
but after he says that Jesus says the
following he says for nothing is secret
that shall not be made manifest
neither anything hid that shall not be
known and come abroad so basically look
if you are one that has fallen by the
wayside you're the seed is on the
wayside and and you've accepted the
gospel but your your quickly as you open
the door to people in your life you're
not gonna let that light shine from the
gospel but you're gonna cover it up that
is not something that is just gonna go
by the wayside that's not something
that's gonna be unknown he's putting
a principle here that I find is pretty
interesting and a little scary and that
is that all of what we do is going to
come to light at least in some sense it
seems that nothing will be hid so why
hide goodness now if you have goodness
that you've learned about or you have
accepted the gospel or you're a good
member of the church but you kind of are
afraid to be that person in public or
you're afraid of being shamed that's as
I've found in my life one of the
number-one issues that is an influencer
in our lives we don't realize it but
shame is a major major issue for our
behavior and what we're willing and not
willing to do but you're saying that
look everything is going to be known
anyway so let your light shine basically
Falls it up with this for for or take
heed therefore how you here so how
you're listening to these parables for
whosoever hath to him shall be given and
whosoever hath not from him shall be
taken even that which he seemeth to have
we talked a little bit about this before
the law of abundance basically so look
if I've received the gospel I need to
understand what I've got and then I need
to magnify that out more if I'm going to
receive the gospel and then hide away
like the light if we have the light and
we're gonna hide that light around
others then I'm going to receive even
less of that light and you can see that
in people's lives if not in your own but
probably in your own probably in your
own life and you may have seen it among
family members and others that if they
act a little bit differently or maybe
they're afraid to put themselves out
there with their covenants and their
connection with the spirit and I've done
that several times and so if you hide
that light then you're going to receive
less light and you may need to be really
careful because that light
may completely extinguish it may be
completely gone
and so it's it's removed from us and the
more we shine with that then the more
abundance there will be and so take the
step he's saying I think go out there
put yourself out there be who you should
be and try and be true to what you sense
is true and you will receive it back
many times over I think that's the
principle that he's talking about here
so he's saying look the gospel you have
the gospel magnify it and many many more
blessings will be returned to you I
think that is a great principle and I
think it's something that is true and
that we can see it every single day of
our lives the law of abundance with 'god
with regards to the gospel then we're
gonna go over to chapter 13 and here i'm
going to move down to the woman who is
crippled and she can't stand up straight
and this is the sabbath and jesus is
teaching inside of a synagogue he's in
the church and the ruler of the
synagogue is indignant he can't believe
that Jesus would heal her on the Sabbath
he's furious with it he says look there
are six days that we do labor and he
includes spiritual labor in that
apparently and on the seventh day the
Sabbath we maybe we can teach about
things and we read from the Torah the
Tanakh the whole of the Old Testament
the pro law and the prophets but you
know we don't really act spiritually we
don't do any spiritual acts and so Jesus
calls them out as hypocrites and talks
about you know the ox and the mire
basically that which of you would not
help out the Ox if it was stuck in the
mire on the Sabbath and yet here these
people he talks about the woman here's a
daughter of Abraham who's been crippled
why shouldn't she be healed and loosed
from these bonds from this illness that
she's had for eighteen years on the
Sabbath day and actually the rulers and
those around her kind of ashamed for
what they've been teaching it's
interesting how people react when
truth hits him right in the face right
when it's so easy I think for us to
follow a cultural norm that isn't true
and here jesus' brings this right up and
they are ashamed so they recognize
immediately what someone else could have
done or taught at some point but here G
is Jesus doing it and they're ashamed
because the truth is evident in what
he's saying and so he heals the woman
and it says that all the people rejoiced
for all the glorious things that were
done by him so you can kind of see him
maybe what we're done and said by him so
you can kind of see the people just like
yeah yeah you know what the truth we
want the truth you can imagine when
there is a society and that's our
society any society throughout most of
the history of mankind that is starving
for the truth and it's brought out and
it just if you can recognize it you can
it just feels so good feel so good and I
think that's what they are really
excited about and rejoice rejoicing
about here or what Jesus is doing here
on the Sabbath and the words that he is
preaching to them you know I remember
not that long ago something that goes
right along with this I woke up one
Sunday morning and our backyard was just
completely flooded the pipe had broken
and it was going up up the backyard and
going up and coming up starting to come
up into the house and the why it looked
like the water is going to keep running
down toward our house and perhaps flood
the house and get in and really damage
the house and so fortunately I caught it
when I did but it was still a little
precarious situation and so I turned the
water off and everybody else gets ready
for church and I get outside and I've
got a push broom
that's the best thing I can find that I
can kind of move the most amount of
water the fastest and I start taking
this bush push broom and just trying to
get mean we're talking about a lot of
water and my neighbor and my next-door
neighbor was a member of my ward and he
he came over he saw what was going on he
was completely dressed in his tie and he
said you know what I'll be right back
and he goes back to his family he he
instructs his family to go ahead and go
to church without him and they leave and
he comes back changed and with another
push broom and he spent the next hour or
two helping me with get the water pushed
out to the front and out of that
backyard and that to me is a great
example I really respect him for that
and you know he's looking at hey it's
Church I need to go to church right
church is a good thing to do you're
going to go you're going to worship the
Lord but wait a minute there's a higher
law here and that higher law is you're
going to the church is not made or the
church is made for you and and you're
not made for the church and he really
exemplified that principle and I was
really grateful for that and I think
people do that a lot I think that's an
important thing to recognize that the
Sabbath and the church and these rules
are made for us ultimately we need to
think about that that it is about our
progression and if we keep our eye on
the ball and looking at helping others
and helping others progress above rules
and everything else I think that role
will be a little bit better off and so
Jesus goes on telling some of these
parables like in the last episode about
the kingdom of God and what they're
likened unto again he's he's defining
what the kingdom of God is because they
really don't know so he's defining what
the kingdom of God is and then once said
unto Him Lord are there few that be
saved so you know just like with the
seeds being scattered about and only
some and good ground
are there few that be saved this is what
Jesus response to him was strive to
enter in the at the straight gate that's
a temple reference for many I say unto
you will seek to enter in and shall not
be able so again a straight gate being
something that's narrow we can think
about getting through the veil as an
example as a very core example of what
that might mean that there are many
options out there and we can pick many
different gateways to go through but the
gate is straight STR AIT very narrow to
get through in other words there's one
way and that's it and so we adapt to
that and if we can't adapt to that then
we can't get through that straight and
narrow gate and he says that many shall
not be able to want to but they won't be
able to get through what it reminds me
of here is the cherubim that are holding
people back from the Tree of Life
remember the Tree of Life is at the
center think of the Tree of Life is the
celestial room and it's the destination
for us for the love of or the love of
God is and where we want to get to so
what's holding us back from that it's
justice justice holds us back from that
and the cherubim are those that are
going to try us let's say how do I put
this they're there they're going to try
us in this mortality in our progression
and make sure that we are worthy to move
forward that's the representation of the
the cherubim and the Seraphim and if you
think about it that happens to us all
the time both in bad places and in the
very very most sacred places so we are
tried to make sure that we are worthy to
move forward and progress spiritually
toward the Tree of Life and then he goes
over a little bit what we went over
previously about being
a certain lineage and then talking about
the Gentiles he doesn't bring up their
word Gentiles here but he's saying the
same thing this is from Matthew
previously that we talked about he just
says it a little bit differently here he
says that there will be weeping and
gnashing of teeth for those that don't
get through the strait gate you shall
see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all
the prophets in the kingdom of God and
you yourself thrust out so if you're not
following the straight gate he doesn't
matter what your lineage is you're not
going to be able to get through and then
he says this again he says and they
shall come from the east and from the
west and from the north and from the
south in other words not just here in in
Judea they're gonna come from all over
they are the Gentiles and they will sit
with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and
unless you change you won't is what he's
saying but he goes over again these four
four different directions here about
those that would be with Abraham and and
other references to Abraham are about
getting to the to the bosom of Abraham
getting back to the bosom of Abraham and
like with Lazarus and this is an
interesting symbolism to me because I
see it think we see this in a few
different places I've talked about this
previously about the four rivers in the
Garden of Eden that go out with the word
of God and nourish all of the world the
four corners of the world so we can look
at it this way as a representation of
those four rivers in the Garden of Eden
that will go everywhere the other one
would be the the canopic jars that we
see in fact simile number one in the
Book of Abraham and yes I do reference
the Book of Abraham every once in a
while I think we need to try and
mainstream it a little bit more there
are some incredible truths in there and
it seems odd to us but only because we
don't delve into it enough and so I will
reference from time to time The Book of
both the scriptures and the fact similes
and try and get us a little bit more
familiar with that book of Scripture but
those forint for canopic jars that you
see underneath the lion couch in
facsimile number one Joseph Smith says
pretty much been verified that that is a
representation of the four corners of
the world so I would look at that like
that's everybody that's that in a way is
kind of a representation of the Gentiles
when you see those four jars there it's
it's saying not just the lineage of
Abraham who's on the lion couch but
actually the Gentiles as well will be
adopted in to the family of Abraham and
into the Abrahamic covenant that is an
eternal family covenant I think that's
what that's referring to and that is
what Jesus is bringing back is the
Abrahamic covenant the fullness of the
gospel of the temple ordinances of the
Melchizedek Priesthood as he goes
through preaching here and establishing
his church I'll talk to you next time
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