Chief David mtiga has got a lot of passion for his people and some very interesting information about his
traditions and their correlation with the Book of Mormon who he identifies as
and the prophecies that have been told among his people for Generations that align very closely with Jewish teachings
as corroborated by several Jews and certainly going along with the Book of Mormon fascinating fascinating stuff now
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all right welcome to Quick show my name is Greg Matson and I am your host in this episode I'm very excited to have with us Chief David
Mida uh Chief welcome to the show an which means I see your light that's how
he said hello and uh and thank you for having me on the show just at a means of protocol I want to you know speak to my
ancestors who I know are with us you and uh and to those that to honor those from from our community say didn't go away
but so I hope the Creator is working in your life my I'm the kind man of the oji
peoples it's what I was named in Lodge I come from the great dear family it's one of the original principal seven clans we
call dudam which is your your responsibility and I come from a a my
family is buried in a place that we call Sacred Water of the Creator Spirit water
but if I'm being honest Greg so did you because you were born from your mother's womb and that Sacred Water was your
first baptism yeah and you know you I've I've watched you now over the last two or
three days well maybe longer than that I guess and and uh you've you've hit a
number of YouTube channels you've had some popularity here people love your message and what you're saying in the
that you have about you you've got such an interesting story that I what I don't
understand is why we don't know about this I don't get why we don't know about some of these things can you address
that first of all because we'll get into what it is your story is and I have lived the me the message of really you
know so many indigenous peoples here in in the Americas but why
don't first of all latterday Saints Mormons members of the church know this and second of all why do we not have a
greater knowledge of these things as a larger American
culture genocide intentional genocide you know these are the things that people need where does your passion come
from M well first of all when I say traditional I I follow the heart of of the mother my
grandmother and and I have LDS grandmother and a tribal grandmother and I follow both their hearts and until you
are authorized to speak which a lot of the members of the church should remember when they judge each other
you're not supposed to speak just a just an arrow through the air if you're not a judge you're not
supposed to judge and so when I was 39 years old I was told to speak and uh and
I spoke now I'm the first I'm in the first generation that's able to do so
without feeling the pressures that my father's generation and my grandmother
and great grandparents and great great and Americans don't realize that it was the fall of 19
78 when all of the protections from Congress allowed tribal peoples to one
raise their children speak your language outside of
the reserve practice your culture and your spiritual identity to even go to a hospital you had to go to an Indian
Hospital where the us and we didn't like to go you know the US self-reported from 1960 to 1974 they forcibly sterilized
60% of all Native women under a 1920s law that said they had the right to choose who that could be deemed you know
uh to procreate and so people don't know that from
1883 until 1978 we were under the anti-indian laws meant to assimilate us and right in the
middle in 193 this is why you don't know we didn't even have voting protection rights till the end 1968 and we had the
right to go and vote and pick leaders in America before we had the right to keep our own children and they say' why do you got
passion right I'm the voice for those that couldn't speak to you but I am you I'm
also a grandson of pioneers I'm from the Smith I literally just had a call two days ago from the head of the Smith
family 2 200 members I'm A Smith you know when I went to college in Utah it was Douglas Smith the son of Joseph F
Smith that stood up in the ward he was a bishop and he said I gotta tell y'all something this David Taylor here is a
Smith and I said I'm also I guess what you call a l lonite too but so that's
why they didn't want you to know they don't want you to know the truth you don't even know when I say Mido
midday we win you people think oh it's a new age thing we were priests
too we're priests too so this
is it's a lot it it's a lot because you know as I've gone through and I've listened to what you've had to say uh
about your Traditions there's so much that that is uh and and I used this word
before you you corrected me a little bit but it's to that compare to the Book of Mormon right it's like look this is the
so similar to what you hear in the Book of Mormon you have Traditions that are
biblical you have Traditions that are rooted in book of Mor The Book of Mormon
um Fascinate You Not only have and this isn't just oral tradition you've got
Scrolls yeah you've got you've got uh um written materials that go way back
that's right and then and we use these in the lodge you know I I was I was I was 15 years old when I first went
through the midu lodge now this is another thing I'm just going to pause real quick because I got a lot of emails
about this and there's a lot to have to say but listen I have a grandfather named Artemis Millet that that helped
build he was like the architect that built that Kirtland Temple I have a grandmother Martha Smith who's the
cousin of Joseph who was actually the first member to Maran Indian because of Joseph she married a descendant of of Pocahontas hron Bill Bennett as a
grandfather of mine too and they there and the keys or the authority to be
priests were granted by those who had it on the other continent none of the 12 called here by
the resurrected Great Peacemaker who was in the perfected body not the man before
he was murdered but in the perfected body he called people two he called three men that they're still around and
uh and so none of them showed up and gave anything back so you shouldn't be surprised to find that hidden within our
remnant that survived our genocide is things that are similar we are not
reflecting The Book of Mormon The Book of Mormon is reflecting us we have just not been able to share
it and when we did try to share it just as is occurring with me there are a lot
of attacks and what's stunning to me is they won't even listen and so yeah I
shared one of the scrolls with Brian Nettles as well as Dan over at Latter-Day watch just because they're
really good-hearted people just so that they wouldn't put us in the camp of those who Pro profess things but
actually can't prove it physically and so you know it's not our
responsibility to seek your approval it's our responsibility to tell you our
truth it's your responsibility to receive it and then to discern with what
you've been given whether it is for you or not but again I do want to say that
in 1823 is when the genocide began against our people the real ethnic genocide and in
that seven-year period from 1823 to 1830 is when he received the he Joseph Smith
cousin of mine received the information to keep something sacred
alive right interesting now at that same time we went underground and we nearly dis we nearly
disappeared nearly disappeared and so you know these are things that people should reflect upon
that these are two sticks okay want to go into that before I get into that because I want to go
into this two sticks thing will you go a little bit more into the background what tribe do you represent what are the what what are the
origins there because people and what is the geography of those tribes yeah yeah so I I come I am on shinig and some
people call Al gonin and it's h the peoples of the Great Lakes and the from
the Great Lakes literally in Ohio people are like Ohio the first treaty signed by the who were on a shinig was in the
treaty of fort Harmar in Ohio my grandfather Chief pum signed that okay and and when I say grandfather it's not
like the one that's like my immediate grandfather but we use these terms grandmother and grandfather pretty fluidly because we know if they were
alive today they'd say you are my grandson okay they think Seven Generations ahead that's us and we were
from Ohio Indiana Illinois uh Wisconsin Northern Iowa Wisconsin Michigan
Minnesota um what you call Manitoba Ontario Quebec
um and and this was our people's lands and uh and so I'm from those
people my specific region that I come from is called nibang Aki it is Northern
Minnesota and North uh Eastern uh North Dakota and just across the border in
Lake of the Woods again that's just an invisible line they put in 1872 violating a couple other agreements 1863
Royal Proclamation as well as a 1789 treaty of fort Harmar as well as the 1794 J treaty Americans don't know this
but they'll shoot their Fireworks off about 1776 and they love their night 1789 Constitution but I'm just saying
our people are more knowledgeable about your history than you are and and I'll stand toe-to-toe with anyone to debate
that it's true and uh and so I come from there my family is the Deer family and
we ran the trading routes that went from east to west as well as from kosia Minnesota the headwaters of the the
Mississippi River North to and I'm not speaking anything that's not true Hudson Bay Company records my grandmother's
three of them they were sisters and they were principal owners in the XY the the Northwest and the Hudson Bay trading
company within the region but we ran the trading routes that went from
Minneapolis all the way up to Winnipeg and Hudson Bay as well as over from the St Lawrence up through Quebec uh up to
Hudson Bay that's one line the second thing is I represent two treaties my
grandfather signed the 1789 treaty representing the United Nations of the Chipawa patami and Ottawa the same
people Three Brothers long ago walked West and established a government that
was similar to what the Great Peacemaker gave to the hodon you call iroy and they to ensure that that what they had
learned sustained generation to generation of all the AL gangin on a shabeg they set a structure together
that would make sure that the faith and the the the fire the trail and the
communication stayed intact that's where these terms come from and uh and so we
signed that and then the grandson of puan akum signed the 1863 Treaty of old
Crossing which is again referenced with Turtle mountain in 1892 which is a separate group that we ended up living
at because we didn't get our reservation but their treaty says in an article that specifically for us oh yeah those red
bear are going to get their reservation too never came and so I represent that as well under a Cong act that recognized
Us in 1971 following a US CT of claims case where we were fighting and saying who these people don't speak for us and
then uh and then last um my family is buried primarily in Spirit Lake North Dakota as well as Turtle Mountain North
Dakota okay soig that's a lot I know that's a lot it's a lot north and Northeast kind of areas out there
um and we got there through the St Lawrence River really yeah I was just talking to
somebody about that now is that is that that's that's in the oral tradition of
your tribes yeah there's many migrations that came in you know there's seven language families that were original to
North America don't be surprised when you read their seven tribes in the Book of Mormon language is family even when I
was with noene v Brun the the matriarch of the Dena and also a former Grand
National Chief up in up in the Arctic Circle she reminded me many times don't forget that language is how you identify
family and so the first message that Elder Wati facing the rock shared who
inherited his position from his brother Jacob ATI who got his position from Grandfather William commanda these these
successions matter in Authority that the first story he chose to share with the rabbis after two years and them finally
sitting with us was that uh you know how we got here after the flood and he said uh the first ones that
came in that came after we had we were all together in a big settlement we tried to build a mountain to touch the Creator we it was too for us to do that
so we changed our languages and we followed the great deer that had set the trails through nature for us long before the flood back into Turtle Island North
America and uh and and then we established ourselves there and then other peoples came in don't be surprised
even the chiasa and I Know Chief Phil Lane down there the chiasa there's five groups down there they're the they're
the Mogan language and they're in five groups they were five brothers you know they tell their story too they came
across the Pacific Ocean hit the Mexican area what you call Yucatan on the western side and there were people there
acting really weird so they walked North and across the Mississippi which at that time was like crossing the Red Sea until
they found their Promised Land everybody has a story but for us that's where it started now my specific family my dudam
was established and the midu lodge was established 2 200 years ago when the
people of the star appeared in the St Lawrence Waterway and it was frozen over
this is my clan story it was frozen over and they were hitting one of the
offshoot tributaries that you would call the lake of two mountains now it's a little the mouth of the Ottawa that goes
into the St Lawrence it was they were frozen there and the uh the peoples who were there the alanin uh in anab they
circled the the that little Bay created like a big Ring of Fire for a month and
uh I'm telling you my story our story and uh and then they finally came off and the they came off with three
children and a group of Elders and they were in a turtle-shaped boat and uh and
they lifted out of a bag little antlers and put it on their head now that was a sign to us that they knew who we were so
the anes shanab immediately and by the way anes shab just means good spirits lowed okay we're like Latter-Day Saints
but back when in the predas and uh and this was about 600 BC
and they they they held these things so they said oh they must they must be in communication with the deer Clan the
deer Clan ran all the trading routes they also ran the communication with other languages and for them to have the
symbol is what kept them alive if they didn't pull out those horns they're about to get killed and so the the chief
the oima of the deer family which is the same title I hold he came out and made peace they stayed with us they taught us
the midw lodge they gave us which means the the way of kindness the heart they uh they taught us the they
gave us the symbol of our lodge which is the eight pointed star and you draw by drawing two sticks that are connected in
all directions it's actually two stars at David overlapping and and the Jews know that as the symbol of
mzc and uh and they gave us our lodge because the lodge they came from had
been destroyed and they told us initially there are people that might come here and so these things were
carried on and then dwindled away until the great peaker arrived and we know
these things by how we track the moon and these this is another topic but we
we already knew these things so that's where and so they left these two these CH they had these three children they
had a boy and two girls that were important the girls were called women of the star or star women and believing
that they had a lenal line to the skyw woman and you can Google it all tribal
Nations talk about the skyw woman the lady who messed around with the tree and fell through the roots and brought us to the lower world and we are in a lower
World she's the reason we're all here and that they're from that bloodline but
don't be surprised the Jews Trace all of their their membership in their DMS their Clans based off matrilineal
bloodline too their mother but my dudam the adik dudem was one of only two that
were matrilineal descent because of this moment the two daughters were given to the two sons of the adik oima creating
the Moose dudam which was the second dudum that is now extinct the British convinced the Clans to murder them
believing they would pass through and instead they just took over everything these were big Warriors and uh and and
then the boy was taken by the Elder three each community and established the midw lodge and like I said a lot of
latterday saints are like what's this new age stuff that you might want to pump your brakes because before I was
ever in the LDS temple I was in our midw lodge which is written about in the 1600s 1700s 1800s where the women and
men are sitting on each side and they're going through the rooms learning about the first mother and father and they have the same signs and tokens don't
think we didn't get it from somebody and don't think we lost it hey no one showed
up and conferred those things back we just were fake going into a genocide and
yet here we are we survived now real quick this this title was so significant
that even when the Hudson Bay Company came and the French and and British were trying to put their trading routes in
that they had to communicate through these matriarchs of these nations Tino T good machance this is in the 17th and
1800s and in each of their names means woman of the star it was it was a title
of you're that bloodline that's why my grand I when I speak my grandmother who picked me as her her the one
representing her you know Patricia Patricia bring Brunell The Fountain and her mother was Mary de harlay and her
mother was Marie Paul and her mother was adelay breelan and her mother was Emily Wells and her mother was Joseph Grant
and her mother was tinoes adik sanab also my grandmother is her sister
machaba and o means starom Maan in Ojo means starwoman and and also tacom good
her sister with was the oin means star woman all their lines were merged together we did the same things the Jews
did took three or four generations merged them together that's my great grandma and Great Grandpa and and chief
redbear was their half brother he merged in as well and so you know these are
sacred things and we don't forget it now David you're a member of the
Church of Jesus Christ the latterday Saints do you then I mean it just sounds obvious to me at this point now but did
you do you identify as a lonite then well who is Layman's
father Lehi there you
go so you would identify as a lehit yeah my son identifies with me I identify
with my father okay my father identifies with his father so yeah yes okay you know it
just makes me wonder because you talk about language as family and and I think about the the uh the way that you are
describing tribes and peoples of indigenous peoples in the Americas and the way that you have uh the tribes of
Israel right the 12 tribes of Israel for example I mean in my patriarchal blessing I'm told that I'm an ephraimite
and I think to myself okay well do I have the blood of Ephraim or am I put in
with a group of people that are identified with this tribe right is that a similar type of
thinking sometimes with what you have with indigenous peoples here or or is it like it's solid it is because the way
you're talking you say well there's three different Brothers there's three different groups there's break offs of this that and the other but we're still
kind of one people I don't know I'm just kind of thinking there's some type of similar the way they talk about the 12
tribes of Israel yeah absolutely so they it's where they're at so the Missi Saga
it's a name they were they're the same people their Spirits lower than their OJ chagan I can say my tribe is oi chagan
I'm a spirit in a body right and then I can say that I'm recording a vision with the Creator it's a responsibility o way
that's what it means and these people they were all o and they had migrated
because of a message they got they had began Mig ating uh West and they stayed
in places so the the OJ who stayed at the the place where the rivers have many mouths which you would call Toronto that
name means Miss Saga so they when they meet people I'm from the family our family that's at missy Saga right the
place of it's a location identifier and then those that are at sippy Singh nipping is a lake just North which means
little sea it's a little sea just north of that and then there are those and so this is what happened and and and then
you take upon yourself so when you travel and meet people and they say where are you from like what an
immediate connection well I'm from that place okay but they're all the same people they just have a responsibility
now the three brothers they were different The Three Brothers had had a special had special gifts they actually
walked around the entire world after they set up the Three Fires uh Confederacy and uh two of them learned
how to travel to the sky world one of them remain behind and there's a story the heroy talk about how he showed up
and he was begging them to help him die they actually tell the story about how they opened him up and took all his
organs out trying to help him die and he didn't die so they put it back together and he went and pleaded prayed I want to
be with my brothers and they appeared to him coming from the sky world and they said they showed him how to go there as
well because they had they had lost the connection with all those who had that they loved that had died and they wanted
to be with them so they were given a secondary gift to be able to travel to see those who had passed on and that s
makes me emotional to think about so when they had traveled over they had set their families one family Three Brothers
I had three sons they're all my children one of my sons is dead but he's still alive because we know that that's the
the gift and um and the and the the the
brother the little brother he said I'll keep the fire the light the way and on the trail they were the FireKeepers pami
means firek Keepers they're the ones that stretched from Lake Michigan around
the bottom through Illinois and Ohio you see a remnant of them that are still in Michigan right the southern portion you
had another brother that the the middle brother who said who said I'll manage the communication because he's right in
the middle in Michigan because the the lake stretches all around it remember we had freeways they're called rivers and
waterways and then the other brother said I'll keep the older brother said I'll remind you to keep the
faith and I'll record the visions of jibu and he kept the most sacred name
and he went up the Lake Superior and they called that an a shinig lake that's the real name of it it's the lake of all
an a shig to go to and these three brothers put this in place and tasked their children don't forget your
responsibilities to all the others because it has to endure and it still
does even though they broke us up in the 1850s so there's you know one of the one of
your teachings that you have is is called tell me if I'm wrong here but it's the prophecy of the seven fires
it's just kind of interesting again the number seven that's there and I think about like the Seven Seals of the Book of Revelation and Etc but um can you go
over that a little bit how Central is this to you I know that even there's a belt that was held on to and I it
commanda I can't remember commanda yeah I met I met him when I was 16 years old
in California yeah so he was in charge of this and he had the belt of his prophecy I think he died in 2011 that's
right but but how Central is that type of a prophecy to you and to your family it's critical this is this was a message
that was given to us to and and it and it means something because even the ojibway that went West are even the
called the NES Pur the nimi poo where I grew up they speak ojibway and they are seven fires
prophecy people and they teach that's how they got there as well as as well as even the Black Foot in Montana there all
jibway 7 fires people all the way stretching it was critical we were on
the W East Coast east coast and this is many generations after the Great
Peacemaker had left and we had recreated for some reason humans congregate
together in big cities we had spread out and then you pull back together you see this in America where's the majority of
the people they're on the coastlines right they can win elections just with the coastline
cities and uh and they were back on the east coast and and these and and the the
a boat appeared and Elders came off and they said Hey listen we didn't forget
about you and we're coming to remind you that they're going to come across from the water and uh we're going to tell you
the future about what's about to happen to you and they came to the leaders of the midu the star why because that's who
they had they had come established in the first place they didn't forget about us and they came and they told us we're
going to tell you the future and these things are tough to to handle and there was a big divide about if this is true
or not this is the first story taught in every Lodge remember who you are
remember why we're carrying on because this seventh fire is going to be lit
which tells us that the dawn is rising and the eighth age will come the the rabbis are waiting for the eighth age
too and uh and we knew the hardship was going to come that's why when the European arrived we extended a welcome
in hand because they could come with two faces that of Brotherhood where we' make
a mighty nation the world would never know and we would make peace around the world or they would come with greed and
try to take everything and that's but the face of Brotherhood and greed are are very similar and so and so we've we and then
we've realized we were within it we were within the fourth and fifth fire and
then we knew we had to hang on so we took our sacred Scrolls and we hid them because when we presented them to the
Jesuits in 1642 to 43 they saidou going to make a new Bible no we just have more
than you do what are you talking about what you what are you talking about that's really interesting we just
have most critical thing that's right yeah I I've heard you also make the comparison that to to Latter-day Saints
it's like look when you when Joseph Smith restored the gospel and he brought more of the Resto restoration of Truth
and and Etc The Book of Mormon and and the new scripture and new new new
doctrines Etc it's like okay we're taking what was we have what was lost in
Christianity and mainstream Christianity and and they're turning and looking at us like what are you doing what is this
extra stuff this is paganism this is whatever else right and and you've used the same comparison for what you have
two Latter-Day Saints they were they were they restored to a genociding
people who had been using the name of Jesus on five continents to murder and take things from everybody they had
restored the truth to them nothing had been lost from us other
than we experienced a very horrific um um plague from 16 uh 1612 to 1619 killed
nine out of 10 people we then we then to get away from our cities which in 70 years were overran overran with with
with nature we had gone into the countrysides to survive in the 1660s 70s and 80s their children came back to take
what was theirs this led to the beaver Wars the Europeans were now running the
trading routes and we came back and we pushed them back and said this is ours we just only moved away because we were
going through disease and it started a war to where England made the covenant chain agreement and then we had the 1701
treaty in Montreal where they put the belt William Commander carried where they write on paper and we produces the
beads which still exists where it was three men holding hands the French the Indian and the English and we said we
would recognize and respect each other Upon This land that we had been here for a long
time and had sacred things right and they paused and worked with us for another 50 years until they
tried again to make us disappear we never lost what we had it was just
forced at gunpoint in death to go away and so by the time we hit the 1820s the
1820s we're underground so so if he's restoring
something right and he he gets a history from us no one from that history came
and granted anything to him he was he those that had given his
people from which is my people too from across the land the authority to speak in the name of Jesus showed up and said
it's you now fix it and within our very oppressing people Rose another people
who were unique and peculiar in that they acted like us and willfully took upon themselves for the next hundred
years the same persecutions that we would face as well but we didn't
disappear and we kept teaching what it is that we do now imagine me now imagine
me I'm I'm 21 years old I just graduated boot camp day I graduated I'm taken to the San Diego Temple by President Victor
bston Branch President and I meet president Clark who's a temple president at the San Diego Temple and they take me
in and they give me MZ pried in the temple my temple recommend take me through and I and I and and and I'm
already 5 years prior gone through our lodge and me imagine me going are you kidding me are you kidding me what do you mean
by that it's the same it's the same now we could be jerks and I come like
latterday saying like you just said if you tell people around the world and I'm talking to my people because you are my
people you tell people around and I'm not a nobody I come from the Taylor Smith cloes and millets you tell people
around the world if we add and build upon your faith then receive it as a
good thing so if we share what we have when we're able to share it and feel confident that you're not you're not
going to treat us disrespectfully and for you to say well I refuse it and reject it but you still use the history
of our ancestors we could have come in a bad way we could have come locked arm inarm
with our Orthodox Jewish rabbis with us being the Orthodox traditional midu and
we could have said you can't speak in our name anymore we didn't do that we came and
said the the fourth law of Noah the fourth grandfather teaching says that what one what one has been given
especially by the Creator is not anothers to take away you're talking about the seven laws of Noah the Jewish law that's the Seven Grandfather
teachings you're our brothers let's sit down by the fire and talk about what we have in common because what you call the
Cornerstone that you live by faith like an invisible brick let's make it solid interesting
so here's a question then okay you you've got this background even a temple background right you've got doctrines
that are so similar to The Gospel um that that you've held on to for
generations and generations and generations that then would only have been restored to us a couple hundred
years ago the same year we entered the same year that's very yes what
is when you look at the prophecy of Blossom swimming like the rose right
is do you see more and more indigenous peoples especially in in in Turtle
Island right do you see more and more people recognizing this why don't the
indigenous people recognize more what the latterday Saints have and say hey
this is the same teachings we've already had this why why is there not more
connection even from that over to let's say the white European latterday Saint in in in North America are you asking
why the why the Indian isn't seeing it yes well because because uh the church
did some bad things so in from uh 1883 until uh 1978 again if you had a child
that reached the age of six or seven they came and took him put him in a boarding school now the religious institutions the Catholics and the
Protestants they had for the first half of that had applied for federal monies
and were being paid by the the federal government to do this and they took these children now the the church
started doing this in the mid last century as well and they took 60,000 children paid by the federal government
to take them from tribal families under the Indian placement program and they broke families and they caused mothers
and fathers to not see what you had because they saw what you took and no apologies ever come for that
was that that wasn't but that wasn't done under like demand of the govern or anything I thought that was just a
program that was they applied for the same they applied exactly the same as the Catholic and Protestant churches did
and they got received the authority to do such things and they took the children and said that your parents are
not enough for you here's the Book of Mormon a new this history is better for you you can't be with your mother and
father and it caused a divide a massive one okay but you know we shouldn't I'm
sorry that's something that still lingers today it is it is challenging today so we are we are attempting and
I'm one of the few oh but I got a loud voice they listen my tongue was severed as a child and yet I could
speak and and and and I can reason in their hearts that that you come with
love and not hate that the that that everybody within the church is coming
from parents and grandparents that are getting less and less and less genocidal why because the spirit is
comforting and softening them Generation by Generation by generation until they
could come back to Unity with their yellow black and red brother and this is
the great gift that was given to the white man who received you know what what what they originally got that they
somehow lost and what we had carried and how we were that's how we were when they
met us don't forget what Christopher Columbus said about the people he
admit millions and they were he he wrote a letter to the crowns over there saying we could take everything from them came
back and did it because we we were living the good way you know and so this is that's the challenge and and and so
you know you're not going to listen if you all you do is tell somebody standing on one side of the river that you on the
other side of the river have nothing to offer so cross the river forgetting the rivers watering both sides focus more on
the drop that you have so when you say blossoming like a rose in the desert are we put put in deserts you know we made
that wamp in 1701 that we were going to be equals and yet the two sides came and took everything from us forcing us into
poverty and then placed us into the worst places that you could imagine and then pointed the finger and said you're
so impoverished you're too impoverished to raise your children look at our progress you're not keeping progress
with us and how could we when you took everything from us and then use that as a means to justify taking what meant the
most which was our family you dehumanized our women not to you personally but they dehumanized our
women we valued the the heart of the mother as the direction and how we should treat each other and what woman
who stands by her child who has committed murder is not showing us all how to how to display unconditional
love now this spirit that you're talking about as far as what's that yeah I I'm
I'm swinging a sharp sword for a reason the Saints have to wake up show a little respect you have a responsibility and
you have accountability right now you're not supposed to be both feet in Babylon I'm sorry the last phrase again
what did you say you're not supposed to be you're not supposed to have both you are not supposed to have both feet in
Babylon okay appreciate that all right um that Prophecy of the seven fires the
last the seventh one as you talked about one of the things aside from the Brotherhood and the face and what
they're going to look like it really is much more it's very similar to an idea
of gathering Israel that's right right it it's very much a gathering Spirit behind the whole thing I mean it's very
beautiful actually I've read through I've read through it it's a beautiful prophecy and you go through the whole thing at the end of it really what it
the whole meaning of this whole thing is look there's going to be problems there's going to be problems Between Brothers so to speak there's going to be
problems between our tribes but in the end what's really supposed to happen is
a gathering of everyone and this goes to the idea to to me anyway this goes to
the idea of the two sticks and and and what you're what you talk about of the two sticks will you go over that a
little bit Yeah so there's two portions there you just mentioned which was a reat well who are the Jews who were they they were
those that went to Mount Si you know they left Egypt which was like the Bread Basket of the world the America of that
time they had a I mean they built a they built a massive Mountain that like shined like the like the sun on the
earth during the day like they're right about it like it it glowed and it took him out the desert and they had to live
dayto day the same as every other animal in creation under the faith that the Creator is going to take care of you he
took them to a just the worst Mountain to look at nothing to love saying that hey the worst of what I've made is
better than anything you make Mankind and he he he he reminded them of who
they are that that they are The Messengers to the other children of Noah
you say Gentile Jew it's the same family it's a family and cousins and they had a
responsibility to remind those that initially were led by the 70 elders don't forget the Torah is the
grandfather of the Bible the Quran and the Book of Mormon and in there it says after the tower fell that they dispersed
to 70 lands and this is where the 70 elders came from and they and and and
that they were supposed to come back together but the only way to do that is to remember the follow the seven laws of
Noah now they asked tons of questions of the Creator and he answered and then he said don't constrain Yourself by these
it's in the Torah and they said we love you so much we're going to do it he said well don't think you're you're greater than your brother who's following the
seven this is a great responsibility you want to take upon yourself and so they chose that willfully but then for a
period they decided to be the brother that inherited the house and said to his other siblings look what I got and you
don't got and the ADT alarm system was turned off and everything was torn away and taken away a couple times so what we are
what we're talking about in the seventh fire moving into the eighth age is one family coming back together and sitting
in the circle one family from all continents sitting together under one Creator One
Source that's wisdom to know that everything you see and everything you don't see has One Source One lifegiving
father that's wisdom that's the first thing you have to understand and so
that's what we're waiting for and that's going to happen and it doesn't happen with war and it doesn't happen with
force it happens through kindness because kindness is the power in peace and we will inspire people to willfully
choose to participate in love in unity and to choose these things because a
time will come where the Divide will become so visible so visible that you know it's
either chart Earth or like Brotherhood yeah I think we're pretty close to the being there already that's
why we're talking right now yeah that's why we're here yeah I think there's no question about that I think you're
you're you're going to you you have to it's a watershed time right it's like you're going to go down one side of the other and and uh and and that's all
peoples right all peoples will come together on one side and All Peoples will come together on the other side
right it it's every so there there is a Unity there um what I just I was just thinking about
this you've brought up Turtle Mountain I know about Turtle Island it's North America what is turtle Mountain yeah so
Turtle mountain is the center of turtle called it Turtle cuz we walked around it and Drew a map and it looks like a
turtle like that's what it looks like and you know after the flood it raised from the water like a turtle it's just
what happened you know but we were there beforehand we just where did it go and then came out of the water well that's what happens when water recedes so the
center of that is Turtle mountain and that's a sacred place that's where everything starts you know in in in in
in in life it it comes out from there and so uh the the original peoples of
there that's a stock place that's the eighth stopping place on the seven fires migration and uh and that's where then
food grows on water it's called wild rice and uh and this has also been a refuge for a long time Refuge what does
that mean well the original mixture of the European with our people were with our people and they called themselves
matis mixed French British and scotch and when the the the British in the
1860s said the crown says hey your a little Colony over there in in in southern ont onario didn't C called
Ontario then your little Colony over there is going to be given authority over the whole thing they came to our
people they were a part of the neat which is the iron Confederacy go Google it it's a 400-year blood
relationship and they were the last ones to be added in and uh and and they came
to us and said hey you don't understand what they're about to do like they're G to come and take all your stuff and we
said surely surely they wouldn't do that they made these pieces of paper and signed them and said they wouldn't
and they and they said they will and they went to war and we didn't support them and so they lost and when they lost
they all fled down into Turtle mountain and so when Chief little shell and redbear came back to Turtle mountain
in the in the 1870s who who are these people they outnumbered is 10 to one and
this is still caused the Divide to today within the community you got the small the small pem groups you got the small
little shell PM comes from a family a sub family you got a small redbear family my family we're the smallest of
all but we were the ones that held the most Authority through the whole thing like everything then you have the much
larger um boy Brule and and Cyprus Hills and then you had the Red Lake who were
over in Minnesota who kind of just kept to themselves and they really stuck together and they did it right and they
are the the closest Community to our traditional ways that exists in North America but everything is going to start
in Turtle Mountain if things are going to heal in the whole land for our people it's going to start there and uh and
this is the year that you know you know we're we we're focused on that renewal rebirth in the in the you know a restart
in the center so it's kind of like the primordial mount in a sense of right yeah that that's pretty cool and that's
in the onario area it's Turtle mountain is right in the center if you look on a map it looks
like a big circle with a line through the middle it was sacred because the one of our great prophets you know there's a
couple mountains that mean something there's one over in the center of the Great Lakes in a place called Garden River oji Nation
and there's a a cave called Trap Rock and we know that this is where a village is buried but also the first mother and father are buried and oh by the way
we've been trying to tell you a long time but we stopped telling because you started killing us okay I'm just bold
enough to speak it because my foot feet stood there when I got my when I got my Council fire rock the ability to speak
my authority I just want to share that because some people were posting that someone someone took it and destroyed it
that's right here what are you talking about and uh but that's a sacred place but there's also another place where one
of our sacred prophets had when he had traveled he's buried he's buried there at Spirit Lake and uh in a center of an
island called Grahams Island where one of our Chiefs Chief little shell is also buried okay when you say you have the
authority to speak what does that mean I mean do you have I just just I'm interested do you have push back from
Native Americans I it's I didn't say it's just what said but I I literally I cut I cut
Comm the traditionals cut communities in half you got to remember 19 9% of our people
99% were forced into Catholic Protestant and and and Mormon groups and they are
not they are not they are not um abreg from responsibility for the families
they shattered and and that has to be made right so and and I'm just saying that
very directly and that's speaking that to my family but um but yes there are
those that they they they they don't want to be a part of they
don't know their language they don't know their culture they they they feel that it's a bad thing because it's what
they were taught they're afraid they'll lose what they have which is literally hanging onto the nipple of a famished
cow they're afraid that what you're doing is going to take something away and that's because of what occurred in
1920s and 1940s which we were going about to go into we tried after World
War II and I want to State this because William commanda and his group made sure
that I would say this that uh in 1920 that all the Indian nations United and
they formed the Indian League of Nations and they sent a letter to woodro Wilson and the United the the the League of
Nations that said can we be involved and the United States said no and then they they took away the
authority of our traditional and treaty leadership to have any voice in our community how' they do that they put
Indian agents with guns in the middle of our reservations and they passed laws their
laws that tell us how we have to who can lead us and that happened they caused that divide if you want any food stop
listening to these people and they stop they starved people for a decade and no one denies this then in
the 1930s they passed an Indian reorganization Act which they wanted to Institute blood Quantum because they
wanted to stop paying their treaty fees which they were barely paying anyways but the generationally take away where
they said your child if you're in the United States we know communities are spread apart and you can intermarry and
your children are still American or Canadian for us you may have two chiok communities if they inter Mar you can
only pick one community and the child's half and oh by God if your parent is
born north of the border which for the Chipawa that's like that's like a dagger in the heart then their zeros and their
children are called half it was a war on our ability to even say our child is the
same as the mother and father okay we had the 1940s World War II and when that
was getting over they said we're going to reform the United Nations in a different way now believing from night
the same people juul sea William commanda Bernard commanda
out of 200 Nations gathered 200 communities and they picked
them to speak for them and they said if they won't recognize us as individual Nations then maybe we can join as one
nation the North American Indian nation and they submitted their pen petition to
join as one voice and the Americans vetoed them and rejected them even though the majority of those in the
United Nations approved it and then Canada declared them all because they were just across the border but they say
we're different we're not different they don't make the determination of that based upon a title from an American
Italian explorer name America's fuchi and they called him criminals and they call and they called them insurgents and
they arrested them and in 1956 William Commando was given all the wamp belts
and the headdress and told to keep going and he kept going but now around the world with guys like Chief Phil Lane of
the Chickasaw and others and they TR and chief Tom dpow who spent his life from the 50s when they dissolved his
reservation as recognition and then told him he wasn't an Indian until 2011 when they re recognized his tribe and all of
a sudden he's an Indian again you want to know the passion and where it comes from from racism and genocide is alive
and well and we will we don't have to choose your canoe to be with you and so
they went around the world organizing hundreds of communities indigenous around the world to speak and now we're
coming back and we say now is the time for us to speak together as one knowing that a part of us loved being American
and loved being Canadian and want nothing to do with what it is to be an Indian but want to get the paycheck to
be the Indian which again is is minuscule compared to the resources that the the United States
has resed a massive wealth on these are things to consider am I
equal I have 582 acres in my father's name I carry the power of attorney and I got to get the approval all of us have
to get the approval of a sub agency of a secretary on the cabinet of the
president we have a Bureau of Indian Affairs that determines our Economic Development if we can build and develop
on our very land if we can sell our land if we can pass our land to our
descendants we got to get their approval and we say Blossom as a rose that means
give us the right to speak in equity equality give us the same right that you
give yourself when you allow your children to marry someone who's from New York to marry somebody from San
Francisco and they could be fully American with full voting rights and you tell us they got to be half and one
generation more they can't vote they press these things upon us and they say
forget about it you have equal rights as an American citizen when since 2,000 we've lost 100,000 women because you can
come onto our reservations and commit crimes and we can't prosecute you when you walk off murdering and raping women
and children we've lost a 100,000 what about my Aunt Cindy and my Aunt Penny in
the 80s and 90s and do I have a right to speak on it but if we go into your communities off our reserve and we go
back on and commit a crime they come and drag us out and throw us in their gels blossoming as a rose is giving us the
ability to be humans to stand as Nations and to give us the respect of that thank you for
letting me share that um what is I've seen that there's a lot
of you've got relationships with rabic Jews oh yeah what is how did that
develop oh yeah it's crazy and and how is that uh um how is that playing out
right now what kind of a relationship do you have with that we are we are going together to all the tribes in the world to share the Seven Grandfather teachings
which are the seven laws of Noah remember those 70 elders when they let the when this the we the to the Torah
tells us we broke into 70 families 70 languages we went to where do you think
the council cor of the 70 comes from okay why do you think what their job is what's their mission go read the Torah
so you know that that uh back then when they went what was their laws that They
Carried they may have spoken a different thing but they certainly followed the seven laws that Noah gave also the seven
laws in the oral and written Torah that was given to Adam and Eve okay who we call a different name because God said
name everything and then when they said they were done he said but I made you too name yourself they named themselves
and that's what we called them but what they called themselves but um so these
drops of water maybe maybe over Generations in Millennia maybe five or
six have disappeared but if one drop of water is found with somebody in a desert that one drop is worth more than your
entire ocean that you own a fresh water and we'll find it and sew them back together back to the family that's what
we were doing before I got contacted to speak at this alj conference I had no reason to come back to the church I I
had intended maybe we in the future but my heart was scarred we was scarred you
know 10 years ago and so I stepped away into my other family where I could feel love I'm doing the same things right
maybe they don't respect it I have authority well who'd you get your Authority from exactly leave me alone
okay take it you want to take things literal let's take them literal okay who gave what back so that's what we're
doing now how did I meet him that's crazy story I was asked I I I got in I became friends with the international
school network I was over in Europe and I was going through custody proceedings
to have a relationship with my children I had a a spouse who had made decisions
that made it irreparable to continue the relationship generally these things happen when you become pregnant by
somebody else's child and so I was establishing that and and and while I was there my grandmother had coordinated
for me to speak to some people and I and and I did and and then I was asked to
speak at the model United Nations it's the like the high school level of the UN
and there was a bunch of schools that came from the US there was about 1500 people and I went up and I unloaded okay
I didn't like to talk they had me standing in a Sarah Kopi who's now the head of curriculum for the international
schools over 500 schools and 40,000 teachers and uh Tim Tim Kelly who's the
the chairman of that board these are like father and mother to me and they had me talk and I talked and while I was
there I said kindness is the power and peace and we have to start treating each other more kind so immediately I got
contacted by a rabbi from North America who had somehow seen the video and he said where did you learn that from I
said my people that's one of our teachings and then he pulled out the oral Torah many
forget that just like we do we have what's written on the scroll and then we
have the oral side of it that is only told in the lodge okay and that's the and it forces
you to come into the teaching house so it's the same you learn you learn in the church there's the you know you're raising your children up and they're
learning the first level which is going to help them along the way and then but it's not everything you go into the
temple and you receive what used to be taught orally now you get to see it in nice video right the cinematography it's
really fascinating right but again originally it was orally taught you know and these are things to consider we do
the same they do the exact same and so they provided this to me and he went to this story that talked about abam malac
he's the guy who met Abraham who met his son you know Isaac and he'd also met Jacob not something you see in the Bible
and that's because the Bible was was written from 325 to the 1500s from texts
of Greeks of what they could find that the that the Hebrews had so they didn't get the oral part right and and uh and
so and and in there there's more like there's like what could be one paragraph in the Bible it's like a whole two pages
and and aak had met Jacob who would be Israel and he claimed his wife as his own he said you know I knew your father
and grandfather and I always dwelt with them with and they had unnatural success so I
knew God was with them and so I dwelt with them with kindness because kindness is the power in peace and he said he
said that's what you just said I said yeah absolutely next thing I know they give me a copy one of the special ones
that they only make for their top you know they're they're rebies okay and I had to trade a 14-inch eagle feather I
got when I got this thing okay when I got this thing I got this massive eagle feather I still I still got one I also
got one at the yanaga nation at Chief lindley's house so when I go back there I can speak with authority there and um
and and all those questioning my identity I'm my Father's son and I fly around with an eagle feather and I don't
go to jail and it doesn't get taken away from me so get over yourselves but um because but trust me that's out there
too but um and so next thing I know uh I'm reading that and then I get
immediately and I don't know how it happened I get contacted by a business owner who is uh a Jewish that is from
the reformed and owns a big company and they said hey we'll employ you while you're overseas oh that's fantastic but and
then say no you got to go meet with the head of the reformed rabinal faith and their top
rabbis a female okay so imagine the dichotomy there right The Divide there and and so
I went to meet them and I and I and so that's how it started and then unite which is the Global
Outreach of the real responsibility of the Jews is not to follow just the 613 Mitzvah is to remind all of the Gentiles
the children of Noah and their equal children of Noah of the responsibility to follow the seven laws that's how
we're going to get peace on the earth everything should stem off of those okay and so I met that met her and uh for a
week made him laugh also made him angry I got there in the big building and Boston it's called Temple of Israel so I
walked around it seven times thought it might fall and then went inside and told her I said hey I walked around your building seven times so it wouldn't fall
to see if it' fall I said why would you do such a thing I said because the Temple of Israel is going to be in Jerusalem not Boston
Massachusetts and so from that it led to communication with rabbis uh in Jerusalem in Europe I went to Europe
where they actually keep their sacred things or actually kept in stutgart and met with them and went through a long
vetting process over a two-year period until we hit last fall and they said okay it's a done deal and we're going to
meet with the the head we're you're going to have a conversation with the Jewish learning Institute the rabbi there the head Rabbi of the National
Committee of fur of Jewish Education all the main people the Yesa the the the the
Outreach programs um you're gonna go to taking courses from the jli oh yeah yeah
and by the way they took us into the fanciest room ever and I was just like I was a little bit overwhelmed because I thought H you probably could have used
this you could have used the wealth here for more charity but that's okay and um and
then and then those of the rabinal councils who are who are responsible to measure the law against
your actions and they signed a piece of paper that said that and they put our Stars
side by side and they affirmed that what we got that came 2500 years ago and they
explicitly stated it they will agree to that okay came from
them really and they signed it the seven laws of Noah and the Seven Grandfather teachings are one of the same and all
should follow them and they affirm that we received our it's on my they affirmed that it's in the video too the movie but
they affirm that we received these things 2500 years ago and that we should all follow these around the world to
bring the eighth age the Messianic age so they believe in an eighth age also 100% that's their whole belief
structure they're waiting for it they're waiting they're waiting for what you
would call the the the what what the person they're waiting for okay is not
the person that you're waiting for yeah the Messiah you're waiting for the Messiah they're waiting for the
servant the one that's going to kick it in they'll get they'll know the Messiah when he shows up trust me on that one so
that'll happen but I'm preparing for that you know I'm sitting with them and they and at first conversations were just absolute hatred for that you know B
I'm just GNA tell you what they said you know that that bastard kid of a centurion that's what they
believed and then I shifted it the greatest noahide teacher of the Gentiles
that's ever existed what did he tell the Gentile he went to them first and what did he say
love God with all your heart might mind and soul and treat each other better those are the first three Noah lust okay
he's the greatest Noah hiide that ever existed I said you better show him respect and love and then what's next
hanging you up oh he called himself God well didn't he tell you you all gods and
you laughed at him right because it's in your scriptures let's pause for a moment here and I said this to him too I said I
said I could tell you that I am fully God and you couldn't call me a liar other than to state that my memory
begins from when I Left the Womb which tells me that I'm not but what atom in
my body and what space between did not come from the Creator and is sustained
by the Creator from moment to moment on loan to me nothing in me or that I wear
is from anything other than the Creator and he's not here this is his building he built that we're dwelling with him
and I'm walking in a temple which is why we go into the lodge in the temple to learn the walk in this body which is a
temple in a good way and I reminded them of this and they okay you're yeah you're
you're right it's okay they're dialing it down too I told them just this week we were talking we talk on Friday before
Shabbat that uh I'm I'm now I'm working with the Mormons when I went to the rra the Reformation Revival Alliance big
huge Christian Network do you think they were upset about that no I'm going to
remind them of the seven laws right I'm going to remind them of their of who they are and who we are and
I I'm going to talk to the Mormons did they freak out no good luck
brother good luck that's fascinating that's really interesting now finalizing this you you've got from what I
understand there's meetings coming up this fall of of several different nations you're bringing together you're bringing together history oral history
Scrolls a bunch of information what is the purpose of this and what do you expect from
it yeah so the well before I ever knew about the September thing I didn't know
about that that just came about like like a month ago I didn't even know it was about the Mormons I thought it was
like an ojibway cultural thing and I found Mor said oh well there you since you're going to be in the headquarters of the old shipway then you know I think
I can tell you that a couple things that might add to what you that I can prove for true now and uh so okay that's great
but we were already planning a gathering of the the midw Elders of the lodge stretching across the West Coast we
already had Elders down in the Yucatan and in Mexico and in the munduruku and
the Amazon and the the Maya and uh you know from all over North America I was
already doing that I was traveling around a Comm communicating with them about Gathering I even brought a prince from Germany over to be the first Crown
to come over and S sit and get a thrashing from the matriarchs of of of
three big Nations and he took it like a champ and uh and he didn't even do anything but he took it and uh and so we
were already bringing everything that's sacred that survived back to the mkah nation back to where we received the
seven fires prophecy that told us we didn't forget about you but we're going to tell you to go west to see what
what's left what's left and then once we determined what's left to remind
ourselves that now is the time to speak as one voice right and we're GNA speak as one
voice and that was already happening this thing a week later in Wisconsin at
our headquarters is just like a gift because I get a stand there where
my grandfathers are buried where my grandfather Chief Mama Gaz the last one that held it together carried the same
rock as me from the same dudam was the last unified chief of the great Chipawa nation that um that he his seat was and
I'll be able to speak to my other family and say hey now is the time for you to live up to your
responsibilities because for us to Blossom like a rose means that we have to we have to be able to to to have
brothers to help us yeah yeah that's pretty exciting I know that there's a gathering there that
we want to at all the records from indigenous peoples here in the United States as much as possible and Canada Etc so that that's pretty exciting I'm
I'm very interested to see what comes about from that now we know I cut you up but this is important because it's just
a plethora of emails you got to give them to the Sears and revelators to to translate for it you got to give them to
the the colleges to to look at them and tell you what they mean we already know what they mean we've been carrying
generationally what they mean we know exactly what they mean we don't anybody tell us what they mean we're going to
tell you what they mean okay sure so so that's the difference
okay we don't anybody tell you or tell us what they mean and so we want to make sure that that's understood first and
foremost the ones I have I was told what they mean there's a song and a teaching they can visually look at them and the
second you look at it you're GNA go wow that's um maybe Joseph wasn't a
liar is there with a lot of what you have there in the Scrolls and other things are do a lot of them have an
assigned teaching and then an assigned song every single one every single one so just just like when I when I was
literally the very first non- rabbis taken into the their sacred Hall in New York and they took me and Elder badi and
oichi da Jer pelter who will be the chairman at Turtle Mountain this fall it's gonna be a blowout and it's just interesting the timing is interesting
that um that um they brought out their toah their oldest Torah that's that's
that's hasn't been Rewritten it's on Lambkin they write it on lamb literally they roll it up like a scroll and they
open you're supposed to wear your Sunday Best right but when you speak the words of the Creator you're supposed to use
your best voice the highest gift you have in speaking which is song they sing the Torah they don't read it they sing
it we sing Our Scrolls we sing them okay and so there's
a song that's the first layer and then there's the teaching that's the second
layer and so that's what we do that's really cool now the good thing is that I'm going to do it as a gift with the
four I got because they're important they're about the first mother and father is I have and they sat with me
and made sure I said because I listen I spit my tongue off we didn't talk about my childhood I can go as long as you want about this I I can't pronounce
things right and sometimes I got to stop and I couldn't sing the songs right so
they had me write them down phonetically and then what it means in English now there's a gift there because
when I give it to you to look at you'll be able to say it properly and you'll know what it means in English for the
symb and what's this mean no matter where you go around Turtle Island if you see a scroll or a marking on a stone and
you see that image you know what it says and you can then put together what it's saying
yourself and then you'll understand how to show proper
respect yeah let's go ahead and go back to your childhood a little bit because this is really a big part of who you've
become right you were kidnapped yeah and I what was it two or three years you
were you were taken for two or three years about the time you got baptized literally right tell us a little bit about that what's that story so I
thought I thought I had a tough child to up to that point you know and so the prehistory of that's pretty strange so I
I I'm like my mom is like the black sheep but now that I know her history I don't blame her we should she had some
scars placed on her as a 13-year-old kid that just she couldn't deal with and nobody wanted to talk about so you know
she just made she just hung around bad people people and and these bad people I woke up literally the month after I was
baptized but she let Elder zigi and Elder Mart into my life and at the request of my
grandmother and uh and and but I immediately knew it was true because of of what I knew and we all know you hear
the truth you know the truth so and you fill the spirit especially in the darkness that I was dwelling within
which was this was no kqu I woke up and watched in the middle of the night and watched the body dismembered just
outside just on the other side of my room in the basement and the the this is
this is in your near your home or this is after you were taken we lived in we lived in an unfinished basement this is
literally right before we were in an unfinished basement like concrete walls graffiti everywhere you know old
mattresses thrown on the floor um and like a sheet for a blanket and motorcycles parked all in it and
methamphetamines and you know coming through and kept in the barn out back people that are horrific that you could
never you would never around round and they're not horrific people they're scarred people okay who gave up on the spirit
inside them they forgot their OG chagan a spirit within I forgive them I forgive
them where where was this at this was in clarkon Washington Clark Lewis Clark Valley okay
Lewis and Clark Valley which is literally kitty corner to the nesp Indian res the only place they ever F home was that at nesp and where only
place where I wasn't called a Mexican by the so yeah that's how it was then I
remember when the first Jeremy Simons the first black kid moved into town and all the kids in the school tried to beat him up and I stood with him and we
fought fifth grade we fought we fought but um and we won but um uh didn't even
get kicked out for that because we survived different kids can be made different times people know the 80s hey
rough times so uh uh uh woke up one night and heard dripping and sit there and watched
people dismembering a body the very next morning um everybody was gone and and
old Willies Jeep blue willly Jeep pulled up we got thrown in the back and said we're never grab what you can hold and
we disappeared for about half a year we stayed in different I was given a different last name and we went straight
to the West Coast we lived in these people I don't even know who they were I didn't even know how my mom knew who these people were and stayed in all
these different homes all along the west coast and then and then we ended up in a trailer that was moving around through the mountains of the Cascade from
Washington down to Oregon and then my mom was gone and now we're with these
psychotic drug abusing bikers who could care less about us and
they're sexually assaulting my twin and and I felt called into nature
and the first time I was afraid to move away but I realized that they realized I couldn't go anywhere right where am I
going to go so I spent 8 to 10 hours every single day off in nature I'd come back in the evenings and they were just
glad I wasn't there and when we had the move I just did the same thing they were nice to me because I wasn't in their
hair right I was quiet and I was away had the most magical experiences in my
life I met I befriended a bull moose like really I found a hot spring and so
that was that happened that happened and uh and my relationship with my Creator
was Amplified at the Holy Spirit I believed he was with me I believed he was with me it was all I had and uh
could never get my twin to come with me he was afraid he was living with fear now I don't think you brought you weren't and you weren't talking at the
time uh I had a severe stutter okay yeah I didn't talk for a year and then I had
a I was very quiet because I had a challenge saying things properly and so I
would talk very very um sparingly and not very good and I had a lot of respect
for that from the adults I think that might be one they didn't put more harm on me and so while my my twin took the
brunt of just horrific stuff I didn't get anything I don't remember ever getting hit I watched some horrific
things with my my brother and my half brother and my half sister that were just shocking to watch and but I
followed my friend the the comforter into nature and that's where I spent all my
time and and I and I ate in nature and I show my boys today the same things that
I found and uh and I and I like I said I found a hot spring one time it's the most magical meaning of my life I found
a hot spring bubbling out of the ground literally like a flat ground and and literally like just bubbling up and I
dug it out and used to go sit there and then one day a bull moose appeared just before me standing there and then the next day then he for a long time then he
leave next day next till he was right next to me until I could touch him and then I was walking around with him
walking and I used to go meet him and it was the hardest thing for me to leave when we had to leave there you know that
day we went down to dirt road Road and all of a sudden my my grandparents and the police are there taking us away and
it was hard for me to leave and I I I struggled to leave the place that should have been seen as a nightmare because I
saw the heart that you see in your dog or your cat yeah your your life is very
interesting you've had so many uh events and and and you know adversity Etc to
bring you where you're at right now it's pretty impressive I'd say it's uh and and the things you're seeing right now and the relationships You're
Building um that's got to be pretty exciting I think you know for you know I do a lot of interfaith work and and so
I'm I'm working with other Christian denominations I've got Jewish rabbi friends here at Scottsdale and and uh
friends over at the the Church of England and um it's exciting I love doing that because that to me that's
kind of a spirit of gathering in many ways and so what you're doing here with the Mormons and what you're doing with
the the Jews the reformed Jews is that's that's great stuff that's that's that is
a work of God is what it is to me well the thing that I struggle with is um is
like I used to say when I my I I'm pretty I was pretty aware as a as a teenager when I was looking in the mirror and my grandma's like ah you're
not as ugly as you could be right and so there there is a what I have seen
especially when I was in the Marine Corps and you have successes that there are those that forget what is it that's
inspiring your spirit to move forward and instead of seeing that they see you
and then it sort of replaces their faith and so what I try to do is to make sure
that the only thing I'm talking about is what my ancestors shared what the Creator shared and
trying to reflect that and hoping that the spirit then when you hear it can work in your life that no one can
convert anybody it's the Creator that does that he does that work but if you make it all about yourself and look at
me I'm so special and all this nonsense you know you you have to pause and take a step back and realize that even the
spirit that's in the mosquito right is held in place equally
by the Creator as yours is in your body and he has a journey too so give
him a drop and let him go on his way you know and and you're the same as me it doesn't matter degrees listen I got them
got the awards and the I there was a time I collected ribbons right collected degrees all these one people Plus in my
masters you know you can look at these things oh I'm smarter than you and I'm this you know it's it's nonsense every
single person every single human is exactly the same in their relationship
with the creator of all things regardless if they're aware or they're not regardless if they're a professing
sinner or a professing saint you're connected and he's sustaining every adom
he's he's buil he's is allowing you to build every thought equally as every other human and no one has the right to
judge each other unless you've been given the right to judge and if you haven't been given the right to
judge the best thing you can do is be quiet that's called kindness and that's
what I also wanted to say within the the church is that uh you know when you turn
to each other as members and ex choose to exclude and include and you use terms
like active and inactive and you know first of all active and inactive based on what sitting in a
building you have six directions in the house you're sitting in I walk outside I'm still in a creation of the creator
of six directions but I remember what's most important within and on the other side
it's not my place to judge people they're they're with the Creator just as equally as you are right whether they're
doing bad they're still participating with the Creator he's still working with them but too many of us forget that when
they see that fruit on the tree and they think it's so beautiful and soft and gentle and it falls to the Earth has
that fall and they watch as the flesh tears away and they look and now they see the hard the the Ripples and the
scars it's of no worth they're like they forget the story of the Good Samaritan and they're like that priest to say I
guess it deserves what it got it's unfit broken branch and then one day it
disappears into the Earth the deep dark pressures and aren't we in the earth in the dark pressures and something's
written and it it breaks forth and it starts growing and it grows roots that grow in all directions and then one day
it breaks forth who are you to tell that seed in the earth it's never going to Break Forth who are you to say that it's
not breaking forth in time for you it's not your job to say who's worthy and
unworthy it's not your place you are not a bishop if we're talking about
Authority the only ones who are worthy of Heaven because we are lucky to even be loved are those that can deal equally
with the Widow beggar orphan and professing sinner as equally with the brother wife child and professing Saint
and we forget these things but we teach these things the path of the heart that
when we spoke to the Great Peacemaker and said we don't know how to do it he said it's in your heart I don't
understand this is taught in the lodge he said where was your heart
formed remember it was formed in your mother's womb from the plants and animals she I'm telling
you rhythmically now of how I tell it to help my sons learn from the plants and
animals she consumed from this Earth from which your ancestors lie you are their prayers walking in flesh but your
first sound that you heard OG chagan spirit in that body your first
experience and memory that will play before the Creator when you meet him is the sound and feeling of your mother's
heartbeat the second one will be realizing that heart is inside
you walk with the heart of your mother and if your mother will stand by the
murderer with unconditional love who are you to not do the same and we have to
remember this great final words uh really appreciate uh Chief David mtiga I hope I
got that right I think I did Miga and for coming on and spending this much time with us I would probably love to do this again in fact I think we might be
meeting soon are you going to be at the conference next week y I'm going to be in the conference and I'm going to come
and share one of the Scrolls and one of the teachings and it's significant because it's a message the first man
shared when he spoke with his his his creating father it's one of those messages and I'm going to let you see it
and when you do you will really pause when you consider the people that attack the book of Abraham okay well looking
forward to it and I'm looking forward to meeting you as well appreciate you coming on and hopefully we'll be able to bring you up back on another time
absolutely and hey you're in my tribe oh appreciate too hey we're together we're
one family two sticks one branch so that's awesome appreciate it all right thank you