
Culture, Current Events, and Theological Content

- The Philosophies of Men (Social Justice)

- Culture & Thought

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Culture, Current Events, and Theological Content

- Critical Social Justice

- Culture & Thought

- Religious Studies

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The Family Proclamation In An Anti-Family Culture - feat. Hayden an...

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Changing American History - feat. Hannah Stoddard

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Culture + Theology


'Cwic' (Quick) = Intelligent, Alive

Compelling commentary and interviews on culture and gospel topics.


“Culture is the root of politics,
and religion is the root of culture.”
— Richard John Neuhaus


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Navigating The Philosophies of Men Cruise

November 9-16, 2024

Mexican Riviera

Join Greg Matsen and Bruce H. Porter on a life-changing trip preparing you and your family against a "Woke" world.

 The Philosophies of Men Cruise will immerse you in truth, envelop you in the Spirit, and give you the knowledge and tools to help you and your family distinguish the Doctrine of Christ from the faulty "Woke" deceptions of the growing social ideologies currently plaguing our society, churches, and families.

Learn More/Register

Cwic Media and its Objectives

1) Provide our listeners with compelling content and guests framed under Judeo-Christian, Western values without the 'fluff'.

2) Educate on the growth of Social Justice and its encroachment on our institutions, culture, family, and church.

3) Deliver religious and interfaith content that improves your understanding of truths, morals, and values.

Our podcast has over 10 Million downloads/views. We are always looking for sponsors and guests for our Cwic Show episodes. You can contact us here- Contact

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'Out of all of the YouTube study sessions that I follow, I look forward to yours the most.'

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"Greg, I am so enjoying your helpful insights . . . So many things are falling into place for me, and really strengthening my knowledge of and relationship with my Savior. Thank you!!!"

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